


1、 您为什么要来应聘这个职位?

考查点: 这份工作是如何吸引他的, 如果能分析出企业的需求最好, 如果只是说出于自己的需要则欠佳。

2、 为学校教育与企业培训有哪些不同? 企业培训应该注重什么? 考查点: 企业培训重点在培训需求的获取和培训后的行为训练。

3、 能为我们做什么 ?

考查点: 是否认清自己的优势, 以及这些优势在以往的工作经历中发挥过哪些作用。

4、 您对本企业咨询了解多少?

考查点: 是否具备利用互联网搜集信息的能力, 对公司的兴趣有多大, 如果回答的比较好, 面试人员应对应聘者对本企业咨询做一个比较详细的介绍, 使应聘者对公司有个更深入的了解, 增强其对挑战这个职位的信心。

5、 在来中企之前为什么没有找到一份合适的工作?

考查点: 离开前一份工作的原因, 是否非常挑剔一份工作, 挑剔工作的标准是什么。

6、 您认为企业上网与个人上网有什么异同?

考查点: 对行业知识的了解。

7、 如果在工作一段时间以后给您一个晋升机会, 您会选择一个资深讲师还是一个管理

者 ?


8、 有些公司的人力资源部设有培训岗位, 也有的公司有独立的培训部或者独立的培训机

构, 您对这些企业采用的方式有什么看法?

考查点: 从业经验, 对行业的认识程度, 全局观念, 能否理解培训与人力资源的关系。

9、您打算在这里工作多长时间 ?

考查点: 只要公司和个人彼此都感到我在为公司做贡献, 在取得成绩, 在进步, 我会干下去。


考查点: 足够大的发展空间, 公平, 公正, 公开的环境, 随时面临机会与挑战, 提供不断学习提高的机会, 合适的薪资保障等。

11、如果大量员工培训要占用您很多的下班时间, 您能承受这种压力吗? 考查点: 责任心

12、我们的企业文化的精髓是"责任、 勤奋、专业、创新"您是怎么来理解这8个字的?

考查点: 责任心


考查点: 培训得不到支持; 忽视对管理层的培训; 缺乏后期跟踪与监督, 没有做培训评估导致培训效果差; 把培训作为一种福利, 使员工缺乏参与的积极性; 培训需求分析不透彻致使效果差; 缺乏培训的长期规划等。如果能轻松的答出3条以上者具备一定的管理能力。

14、给您10分钟准备时间, 然后在教室进行试讲。

考查点: 应变能力、授课水平、授课风格








养优秀的面试官就成为了hr中一项重要的工作。 通过对本课程的学习,您将清晰明了地认识到培训面试官对企业发展的重大意义。同时,

我们将让您全面掌握培训面试官的方法。 解决方案:



1.确定培训方向和目标。 2.选择合理的培训师。 3.面试素养培训。

4.四是面试技巧培训。 5.明确培训方法。 6.做好评估总结。确定培训方向和目标从以下几个方面进行,面试官应包括具备自 我认识的能力、善于把握人际关系、能够运用各种面试技巧、能够有效面对各类面试者,


训要委托外部培训师。征、岗位说明书以及职业生涯规划。 同时必须具备专业技术能力。 再看掌握面试

的过程: 第一是面试前引导; 第二是注重礼仪; 第三则是要了解面试者细节能力。 接下来,是面试素养的培训,首先要明确岗位要求,包含工作特 掌握表达能力与判断能力也是考虑因素之一,包括游戏分享和自我提高两种方式。 面试技巧的培训,首先要进行面试提问技巧的解析,面试官准备 充分进行提问;所提问题要层次分明;同时要客观实际;面试官自己能够明确回答所设


其次,是做好对面试官可能犯错的解析 ,包括是否遗漏重要信息;是否忽略岗位能动性


1.课堂讲解,运用在理解工作特征和专业技术能力两个方面。 2.交流分享,运用在文


3.情景模拟,解决学员的困惑应用情景模拟的方式。最后,做好评估总结的工作。首先,是学员对培训师的评估,通 过问卷调查和总结调查表两种方式进行。其次,培训师对学员进行评估,包括课堂作业

考核、笔试考核以及实战考核进行。最后,我们把这几个步骤串起来,就形成了“培训面试官”的完 整流程。



(思维导图可以下载后放大看,更清楚!!) 如何培训面试官


如何运用人事测评进行面试 如何做面试结果诊断 如何建立人才储备库

如何做好储备人才向成熟人才的转化 如何制定管理培训生计划想学习以上课程可以扫描下面的二维码,里面有详细内容及海量课程 篇二:有效招聘与面试技巧培训



gn=654aadd138&zoom=&png=0-7207&jpg=0-8961" target="_blank">点此查看 课程特色





成功率,确保招到与企业文化吻合且满足职位要求的人才。 课程大纲

第一讲 招聘工作的重要性

1. 什么是企业核心竞争力

2. 招聘如何给公司带来竞争优势

3. 招聘错误会给企业带来哪些损失第二讲 招聘体系的建立

1. 招聘流程

2. 招聘成本如何控制

3. 人力资源部和部门经理的职责

4. 企业招聘手册应包括哪些内容 第三讲 招聘策略的制定

1. 制定招聘策略的5w1p原则

2. 招聘需求的确定

3. 招聘渠道的选择

◆ 案例:如何分析各类渠道的有效性

4. 招聘的周期及地点策略

5. 招聘方案的设计

◆ 练习:如何做完整的招聘计划第四讲 面试体系的设计

1. 面试前的准备工作

2. 素质及素质模型的介绍① 素质定义及作用

② 冰山模型与素质测评

3. 职务分析

4. 怎样设定面试计划

5. 进行简历筛选时的注意事项

6. 怎样导入面试

7. 怎样进行面试提问

8. 做面试记录的注意事项

9. 怎样结束面试


11.面试评估中的10大误区及避免方法◆ 案例:完整的人才面试评估报告 第五讲 结构化面试

1. 结构化面试介绍

① 行为面试法

◆ 练习:怎样问行为表现的问题

2. 怎样设计面试考核的维度◆ 练习及点评:设计人力资源经理、销售经理、采购经理、研发人员、行政人员的考核


3. 怎样识别面试中的事实与谎言

4. 关注面试中的非语言行为暗示 ◆ 现场演练:模拟面试及点评 第六讲 测评体系的设计

1. 常见的测评方法介绍① 心理测

② 无领导小组讨论

③ 情景模拟

④ 公文筐

2. 各种测评方法的比较 第七讲 人才录用与反馈

1. 员工录用的4个关键步骤

2. 初步录用的5个原则

3. 招聘效果评估

4. 人才招聘的后续工作课程主讲

frank shaw:






是在该领域具有相当实力的少壮派精英讲师。 作为第五级经理人的优秀代表,被学员尊敬地誉为“中国第五级培训导师第一人”!擅长课程:招聘与面试技巧,非人力资源经理的人力资源管理,中高层人才选拔面试技


经理的高阶专业技能提升,中层经理管理技能培养等 课程对象

人力资源经理,招聘主管,部门主管和经理以及所有和招聘有关的人员 具体开课计划请电话咨询【中华品牌管理网】咨询电话:(上海)021-51879301 (深圳)0755-26063246 (北京)010-59790157 case questions

you: what are our expenses connected with the card? interviewer: we must pay 15 cents for every minute we sell. we also have to pay

$1.00 as a start-up cost for the card and card systems.

you: what are our marketing expenses?interviewer: we normally use slips of paper that are attached to the backs of

our credit card payment envelopes. we sometimes also send customers a direct mailing

- in a separate envelope. or we can have telemarketers call selected customers. you: whats the cost of each of these marketing techniques, and what is their

response rate?

interviewer: telemarketers have a 2 percent response rate, and cost $1.00 per

call. direct mailings cost us 40 cents per mailing and have a 0.50 percent rate of

response. our payment attachments have a 0.25 rate of response, but only cost us 5

cents each.

you: im going to assume we will sell one-hour phone cards. that will cost us $9.00

for the minutes and a dollar per card - so each card costs us $10. interviewer: that sounds reasonable. you: and what is our expected revenue on a one-hour phone card? what is the current

market rate for a 60-minute phone card? interviewer: assume its 50 cents a minute. you: so if we sell the cards for $30, we have a $20 profit, minus our expenditures

on marketing. interviewer: whats our cost structure look like? you: okay, lets figure this out. to sell 1,000 cards through telemarketing, we

would need to contact 50,000 people. that would cost us $50,000. to use direct mail,

we would have to contact 200,000 thousand people, which, at 40 cents per mailing,

costs us $80,000. since the envelope inserts arent very reliable, we will need to

contact 800,000 people using that method. but at 5 cents each, it costs only $20,000

to sell 1,000 cards.

we make $20 profit on each card. but even at the cheapest promotional vehicle,

at $20 profit, we would only break even, because our profits on 1,000 cards would

be $20,000. we shouldnt market this card, unless we can further cut our marketing

costs or increase the price of the card. if we could slice the cost of the envelope

attachments a penny or so, or sell the card for $35, or convince our co-marketer to

reduce our costs, it might be worth selling.

1. why are you applying for this position?

2. tell me about a time when you used initiative/give me an example of when you

came up with an innovative solution/give me an example of a time you exceeded


5. why did you decide to switch careers/why did you decide to go back to school/why

did you take time off during college?

6. where do you see yourself in 5 years?

7. so you just graduated. how did you like school? loved it. learned so much. and let me tell you a little bit about what types of

activities i was involved in.

8. what lessons did you learn from you last job that you think can be transferred

to this position?

9. what do you consider your biggest fault?interviewers love this question, even though it sort of invites dishonesty. youre

supposed to say something like: im a perfectionist. or: i tend to work too hard. you

may want to prepare a more thoughtful answer, but you should at least anticipate this


10. if you could go anywhere for 24 hours, with an unlimited budget where would

you go? sometimes, interviewers will ask off-the-wall questions just to get a better

sense of who you are as a person. questions to ask during your summer internship interviews * can you give me an example of my summer responsibilities? try to make sure the

answer you receive is as specific as possible. particularly if youre new to the

industry, you want to ensure that you will perform work that is representative of

a full-time associate.* how many people are typically given permanent job offers? and ask for

percentages too. this shows youre interested in opportunities after graduation at

the firm, and allows you to plan your strategic options. some firms, like goldman

sachs, are known for giving offers to a small proportion of the summer class. you

may want to try better odds at another firm.* do you provide any assistance with relocation? many firms will help locate,

and even subsidize, summer housing. if this makes a difference in whether you take

the position, ask. strategies for answering business case questions if youre going into an interview where you might expect a c


ase question (a business

question presented to you for your detailed analysis), its important to have a few

basic tips down pat.

1. take notes.

as your interviewer presents your case, be sure to take careful notes on the

numbers or other facts given. (always bring a notepad and a pen to a consulting

interview.) you dont want to ask your interviewer to later repeat information that

has already been given.

2. ask questions.

your interviewer expects you to ask questions -- as many intelligent questions

as you need to obtain an accurate picture of the relevant facts in the case. many

inexperienced case interviewees make the error of not asking their interviewer any

questions, perhaps afraid that they will look ignorant, or not wishing to bother the

interviewer. on the contrary -- not asking questions is a fatal error in a case

interview. if you dont know the first thing about the helicopter market, ask how much

it costs to manufacture a rotor. if you need to estimate the demand for a beef-flavored

potato snack in wichita, kansas, then feel free to ask the population of wichita and


3. be prepared to take charge. you will often find that your interviewer will direct your line of questioning

to a specific area, but you must always be ready to control the conversation in case

the interviewer does not direct your reasoning. if you are unsure, simply ask the

interviewer. for instance, if you find the interviewer offering little direction as

you move through your initial scooping questions, you may wish to ask, i find the