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Unit 1 Great women and their achievements


1. behave vt.&vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现 behavio(u)r n. 行为;举止;习惯


1). Behave yourself; don? t make a fool of yourself. 注意你的举止, 别闹出笑话来。

2). How is your new car behaving? 你的新车性能如何?


behave oneself 使某人自己举止规矩 behaviour towards/to... 对……的态度/行为

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。

1). It? s hard to train children to _______ _______ (举止得体) at the table.

2). She is always _______ _______ (举止得体) at school.

3). Their _______ (behave) _______ (介词) me shows that they do not like me.

Keys: 1). behave well2). well behaved3). behaviour towards

2. achievement n.[c]成就,功绩 achieve vt. 取得,完成


1). He received the Nobel Prize for his scientific achievements. 他因科学上取得的成就而获得


2). Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement. 首次飞越大西洋是一个



achieve an aim / goal达到目标achieve success 获得成功

[练习] 根据句子的意思在括号里填入适当的词。

1). Without the support of the people we can _______ _______.

2). I have achieved only half of _______ I hope to do.

3). Congratulations to you (介词) _______ such a complete victory.

Keys: 1). achieve nothing 2). what 3). on; achieving

3. observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守 observation n.[u] 观察;观测;监视


1). The police observed the man entering/enter the bank. 警方监视着那男子进入银行的情况。

2). The woman was observed to follow him closely. 有人看到那女子紧跟着他。


observe sb. do sth. 观察某人做某事(已做完) observe sb. doing sth. 观察某人正在做某事

under observation 被监视

[练习] 用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空或翻译。

1). They were observed ______ (enter) the bank then.

2). Keynes _______ _______ (观察到) humans fall into two classes.

Keys: 1). entering2). observed that

4. respect vt.&n. 尊敬;尊重;重视


1). If you don? t respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you? 自己不自重, 又怎


2). I have the greatest respect for you. 我非常尊敬您。


respect sb. for sth. 因某事而尊敬某人 have / show respect for sb./sth. 尊敬某人/事

gain/get/earn/win the respect of sb. 赢得某人的尊敬 out of respect 出于尊敬

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。

1). The new officer soon ________ (赢得) the respect of his men.

2). I ________ you ________ (因某事而尊敬) your honesty.

3). I have great respect _______ (介词) his ideas, although I don? t agree with them.

Keys: 1). won/earned2). respect; for 3). for

5. argue vt.&vi. 讨论;辩论;争论 argument n.[c]争论;争辩;争吵


1). Don? t argue with your mother. 不要和母亲争辩。

2). I argued that we needed a larger office. 我据理力争我们需要大些的办公室。


argue for (sb./sth.)为(某人/某事)而辩护 argue against (sb./sth.) 反对某人/某事)而辩护

argue with sb. ( about/over sth.) 与某人(为某事)而争吵 argue that... 主张……

argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 通过争论使某人做/不做某事 have an argument about/over sth. 辩论某事

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的介词或翻译。

1). We ______ ______ ______ ______ (说服她加入) us.

2). We argued _______ the waiter _______ the price ______ the meal.

Keys: 1). argued her into joining 2). with; about; of

6. support vt.&n. 支持;拥护;支撑;赡养;给予帮助﹑ 同情等的人


1). Is this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries? 这座桥禁得住重型卡车通行吗?

2). He was weak with hunger, so I had to support him. 他饿得没有力气, 我得搀着他。


support sb./ a family 支持某人/ 赡养家庭support sb. in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面支持某人

support sb. by (doing) sth. 通过做某事支持某人 in support of sb/sth 支持或支援某人/事物 support oneself 自力更生give support to sb. 支持、支援某人

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。

1). Will you support me _______ (介词) my campaign for election?

2). Jim was a great support _______ (介词) them when their father died.

3). 我求学期间由父母供养。

___________________________________________________________________________ Keys: 1). in2). to 3). I was supported by my parents when I was studying.

7. intend vt. 计划;打算 intention n. 意图,意向,目的


1). I hear they intend to marry/intend marrying. 听说他们要结婚了。

2). I intend you to take over. 我打算让你来接管。


intend to do/doing sth. = mean to do sth. 打算做某 sth. be intended for (某物)是为而准备的

intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 intend sth. as/to be 打算让某物作……用

intend that... 打算……

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。

1). This book is ______ ______ ______ (是为初学者写的).

2). Was that remark intended _______ (介词) a joke?

3). I didn? t intend her ______ (see) the painting until it was finished.

Keys: 1). intended for2). as 3). to see

8. deliver vt.接生(小孩),递送,发表(演说) delivery n. 投递 deliverer 递送者,交货人


1). The baby was delivered in a clinic. 孩子是在一个医疗站接生的。

2). Comrade Yang delivered the opening speech. 杨同志致开幕词。


deliver a baby 接生小孩;生小孩 delivere sth. to ...... 把某物送到…… express delivery快递on delivery 送达时,货到时

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词。

1). Some new books have ______ (deliver) ______ (介词) the schoo1.

2). The actor _______ his speech _______ (介词) a soft voice.

Keys: 1). been delivered; to 2). delivered/gave; in

V 重点词组 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)

1. look down upon/on蔑视;瞧不起



2014—2015学年度第二学期高一英语必修四导学案编号:1课题:Unit 1 Women of achievement词汇(一)

【学习目标】 知识目标 根据音标拼读单词,熟记课标词汇(不带△的词汇)的含义。 能力目标 能准确拼读课标词汇及熟记其含义,并能进行认知上的应用。 情感目标 1.通过反复演练和诵读,培养英语学习兴趣。










welfare project connectionachievement institute specialist campaign behaveshade worthwhile nest bond observe observation childhoodoutspoken respect argue behaviourorganization argument

entertainment crowd inspire support refer audience rate sickness

intend emergency generation kindnessaudience considerate



1.campaign______ _______________2. behave _____ __________ 3.shade_______ ______________4. worthwhile______ _________

5. audience_____ ______________ 6.considerate____ _____________

7.rate____ ______________ 8.deliver_____ _______________

9.modest____ ___________________10.observation______ _________

11.outspoken___ ______________12.respect ______ __________

13.argue______ _________________ 14. intend_____ __________

15. welfare ____ ________________ 16.project_______ _____________

17.connection_____ ____________ 18.achievement____ ________

19.institute______ ________________20. refer_____ _______________ 我的疑惑与收获:


学法指导:同学们,熟能生巧。现在,通过在句子中的运用来巩固你对词汇的记忆吧,必要的时候记得查阅工具书和发挥小组的力量哦!相信你一定会有成就感的。 1.请同学们拿出纸和笔听写15个单词,多为词汇表和课文中的黑体字单 词。





3)We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as

strong as in a human family.

4) Perhaps if they had an emergency they could reach the doctor.

5)That was a generation when girls’ education was always placed second to boys’.

6)It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.

7)What made her succeed later on was the consideration she showed to

all her patience.

8)I looked carefully at the article and realized that it was intended for

women in the countryside.

9) I felt he was observing everything I did.

10) She was delivered of a healthy baby last night.

3.单词拼写: 根据下列各句句义和空白处的汉语提示,写出对应的单词的正确形式,小组内探究。

1) Her research showed the___________(联系) between chimps and

human beings.

2) Lin Qiaozhi was a doctor who became a___________(专家) in women’s illness.

3) She spent years __________(观测) and recording their daily activities.

4) She has__________(辩论) that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment.

5) I think it ____________(值得) to visit the Tongwan City again.

6) She said she wanted to leave, and her father ____________(尊重) her wishes.

7) He had___________(表现) badly in losing his temper.

8) He___________(发表) an important report at the meeting.

9) The author begins by___________(谈到) to the early history of India.

10) It was very___________(体谅) of you to send me a get-well card.

11) We ___________(挤) behind the scenes to meet and congratulate her.

12) Grandfathers,fathers,and sons belong to three different__________(代).

13) As a(来自:WWw.HnnscY.com 博文 学习 网:英语导学案高中必修四) matter of a fact, the old traditional Chinese doctor is good at treating all kinds of illnesses and ___________(疾病).

14) She__________(遮住) her eyes against the sun.

15) They are proud of their children’s___________(成就).



Unit 1 Women of achievement

Topic: Women and their achievements

Vocabulary and Structure

Reading Skills: Skimming, scanning and summarizing

Grammar: Agreement of Subject and Verb

Morals: Exploring the outstanding women in various fields and their life and experiences, as well as the common qualities and characteristics great women usually share.

Ⅰ.Warming up

1. Fill in the blanks.

1). What do these women have in common? ____________________________________________ (active,hard-working, unselfish, intelligent, determined,brave, generous, confident

kind, considerate, modest, helpful, warm-hearted, responsible, honest, independent

broad-and –open minded)

2). Who do you think is a great woman? Give your reasons, please.


Ⅱ.Vocabulary and useful expressions

1. achieve (vt.)完成;达到 achievement (c.n.) 成就;功绩

●_____________ 获得成功;


●achieve one’s aim/goal/target ______________

Translation :

1)He had finally achieved success.______________________________.

2)He is proud of his achievements.____________________________

3)Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement._________________________________

4)At last, she ___ her purpose.

A. reachedb. won c. gainedd. achieved

2. have sth in common 有共同点

●have_____ in common 有很少共同点

●have ______in common 没有共同点

●___________________和…一样( 介词短词做状语,它完全有独立做状语的功能)


1) Your computer has something in common with mine

2) In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop

3) These twins have a lot of in common

3. connection (c.n.) _____________--- connect v.连接,(将电话) 接通

● connect A with B 把A与B联系起来

● connection between A and B______________

● in connection with ____________________

● a close/ loose connection _______________

● be connected with ______________________


Is there a connection between smoking and lung cancer?____________________________


● concern themselves with关心,关注

● concerning=about ___________

● be concerned about/with _____________



2) You should concern yourself with not only your study, but also your health.


3) This is a book _________science.


5. devote vt. 意为“投入于;献身(其宾语后常与介词to搭配,to后接名词、代词或动名词)devoted adj.忠诚的,恩爱的

● devote one’s life to 献身于

● devote time to doing sth.花时间做

● devote oneself to专心致志于,也可说成be devoted to


1)As a teacher, I will devote my life to teaching.________________________________

2)Nowadays more and more young people devote too much time to surfing the Internet.




4)Dogs are very devoted to their masters.


5)The time he devoted to_____English is too short

A. study B. studiesC. studied D. studying

6.campaign (c n) __________________

Vi __________________

●campaign for sth. _________________

●campaign against _________________

●campaign to do sth ________________

●be on campaign __________________


Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women._____________________________________.

(辨析 campaign, war, battle, struggle) 1)The government started a national __________ against corruption(腐败).

2) No one was killed in that __________.

3) The two counties were at_________ for two years.

5) A lot of creatures died in their __________ for life just because they were not fit for new environments.

5) They ran a _______to prevent a new airport from being built.

7. condition “条件” (c.n.) “状况,状态” (u.n.)

●be in good/poor/excellent condition 处于某种状态中

●out of condition.状态不佳

●on condition ( that ) 在……条件下,倘若……

●on… condition 按…条件;

●on no condition一点也不,决不


1)That was a condition for peace talk.

2)你要穿上大衣才可以出去。You can go out you_________________ wear an overcoat.

3)你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。You must_____________ tell him what happened.


1. The a_________ of one’s purpose depends largely upon one’s effort.

2. The family managed to send him to the I________ of Technology.

3. My car is old but in good c__________.

4. They tried to make a c___________ with the trapped miners.

5. She is __________(挚爱) to her husband.

6. She cares about the (福利) of everyone who works for her.

7. Today police began a ____________(运动)to reduce road accidents.

8. They formed a __________(项目) to build a new school building.


1.on condition that_____________2. in connection with ___________________

3.devote….to…______________ 4. 人类_____________________




To develop reading ability

To learn some useful expressions in the text

To learn about women of achievement Prediction

Look at the title and the pictures. Then answer the following questions.

1) What do you think the passage will tell us? 2) What is Jane Goodall doing in the picture on the top right?

3) What is Jane Goodall doing in the picture on the bottom left?


1)How many parts can the whole passage be divided into? ___________________

2) Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.

a. Following Jane’s way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest. b.Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour.

c.For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.

d.She has achieved everything she wanted to do.

3) Match the main idea of each paragraph.

Para 1 Jane’s way to study chimps and her achievement

Para 2 Jane has achieved everything she wanted to do. (a short summary to her)

Para 3 A day in the park

Para 4 Jane’s attitude and feeling to the animals.

Close Reading

1. What was the writer doing in the forest?


2. What did the writer realize after a day of watching?


3.Where did Jane Goodall do her research?


4.What did Jane discover about chimps?


5. How did Jane try to protect the lives of chimps in their natural habitat?

_______________________________________________________________________________ Reading comprehension

Answer the following questions:

1.What did the group do first in the morning?

A. went into the forest slowly

B. left the chimps family sleeping in a tree.

C. observed the family of chimps wake up.

D. helped people understand the behavior of the chimps.

2. How do the chimps behave?

They behave _____________________________________. 3. What do the chimps do after they woke up?

They ___________ into the forest. Most of the time, chimps ________ feed _____ clean each other as a way of showing ______ in their family.

4. What new discoveries did she make about chimps according to the passage?

One important thing she discovered was that ________________________________________. She actually observed _________________________________________________________.

She also discovered _____________________________________________________________. Her study of their _____________________ helped her ________________________________. All this helped her ______________________________________________________________.

5. What was the purpose of Jane’s study?


6. True or False

1) She supposes that people should not use chimps for entertainment.( )

2) She has destroyed many homes for the wild animals to live in. ( )

7.Her achievements include:

Working with animals _______________________________Gaining _______________________________Showing that ___________________________________________.

Language points for reading

Key words & phrases:

behave, behaviour, shade, worthwhile, nest, bond, observe, childhood, respect, argue, entertainment, inspire move off, be outspoken about, lead a busy life, crowd in

Key structures: Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.

Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off. Jane warns us that our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon and she is right. Her work changed the way people think about chimps. Collocations from A PROTECTOR OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE



5.获得诺贝尔和平奖___________________6. 在中国现代史上_______________________



11. 授予……诺贝尔和平奖__________________12.为……而战______________________


15.become a specialist in women’s illnesses__________________16.devote all one’s life to

______________ 17.鼓励…做_________________18.像人类一样活动_________________ 19.leave sb. Sleeping__________________20. wander off into the forest _________________

21.make …all worthwhile________________21. spend years observing and recording their daily activities 用多年时间观察和记录它们的日常活动 22._________________下定决心做某事

23.in one’s own environment_________________24.begin one’s project __________________


27.respect the life of…_______________28.leave…in the wild ________________

29.use… for entertainment or advertisements __________________________

30.set up special places_________________31. 涌入_____________________

32.say…to myself ___________________33.do nothing wrong____________________

34. 得到一切_______________35. 获得博士学位_________________

36.cheer the achievements of women _____________________________

1. behave v.→__________n.______________

●vi. 行为;举止