
上海交通大学新风尚高职高专实用英语教案篇一:高职高专实用英语教材Unit 1教案

Unit 1

Section Ⅲ: Reading

1. location /l?????????/ n. 位置,场所

e.g. This corner would make a good location for a gas station.


You’d better build your house in a fine location. 你最好把房子建在地点好的地方。 More: locate v. 把??设置在,找出(或指明)??的位置

2. destination /?????????????/ n. 目的地,终点;目标,目的 e.g. The package was sent to the wrong destination. 包裹被寄错地点了。 The destination of his study is the law. 他的学习目标是法律。

3. up-to-date /??????????/ a. 现代的,有现代设备的;掌握最新信息的,跟上时代的

e.g. Shanghai is an up-to-date and bustling city. 上海是一个现代化的繁华大都市。 Scripts:

New Words

They are up-to-date on recent developments in the world computer industry. 他们了


4. bustling /???????/ a. 活跃的,喧嚷的,忙乱的

e.g. Xi’an is a bustling trading city. 西安是一个兴隆的贸易城市。

He is bustling in and out now. 他现在非常忙碌。

More: bustle v. 闹哄哄地忙乱,匆忙,使忙碌

5. appeal /??????/ v. 有感染力,有吸引力;呼吁,恳求

e.g. Jogging appeals as much to girls as to boys. 慢跑在女孩中同在男孩中一样受到欢迎。

I appealed to the children to make less noise. 我求孩子们别那么大声嚷嚷。 More: appeal n. 呼吁,诉请;appealing a. 有感染力的,吸引人的

6. beach /bi???/ n. 海滩,海滨度假胜地;(游泳场所旁边的)憩息沙滩

e.g. My uncle spends the summer vacation at the beach. 我叔叔夏季常在海滨度假。 They have put in a beach by the pool. 他们在游泳池边铺上人工沙滩。

7. surf /s???/ v. 作冲浪运动,冲浪;激浪似地拍击(或)涌来

e.g. When we were in Hawaii we went surfing every day. 我们在夏威夷的时候, 天天去冲浪。

The lace frill of her dress surfed white in the sun. 她裙子上的网眼荷叶边在阳光 下飘拂,仿佛白色的浪花阵阵泛起。

Surfing on-line is his hobby. 网上冲浪是他的爱好。

8. lure /lj??/ v. 引诱,诱惑;以诱饵吸引

e.g. She lured him into a lane where her partner could rob him. 她引诱他,使他 进了一条小巷,好让她的同伙抢他钱财。

The youngsters were lured into a terrorist organization. 年轻人被诱骗加入了恐怖组织。

More: lure n. 诱惑力,诱惑物,鱼饵

9. worshiper /????????(r)/ n. (美) worshipper,(英) 崇拜者,敬重者;敬神


e.g. He is a worshipper of money. 他是一个金钱崇拜者。

Is he a regular worshipper? 他经常拜神吗?

More: worship v. 崇拜,敬神

10. stretch /??????/ v. 展开,使??延伸;伸直,伸长

e.g. Mother stretched a clothesline from a tree to a pole. 妈妈从树干到电线杆拉了


He stretched his arm up as far as he could. 他把手臂尽量往上伸。

11. convenience /k???????????/ n. 方便,合宜;舒适,好处

e.g. Shopping bags are provided for the customers’ convenience. 为方便顾客备有购物袋。

When and where will it suit your convenience for our next meeting? 我们下次见 面什么时候,什么地点对你方便?

More: convenient a. 方便的,提供便利的;at your convenience 在你方便的时候, 以你认为合适的方式

12. display /????????/ v. 使展现,展示;陈列,展出

e.g. Notices are displayed on the bus asking people not to smoke. 公共汽车上张 贴着请勿吸烟的布告。

Shops are displaying summer clothes in their windows. 商店的橱窗里陈列着夏季服装。 More: display n. 展示,展览,陈列品

13. pastime /?????????/ n. 消遣,娱乐

e.g. You can play cards as a pastime. 你可以把玩纸牌作为一种消遣。

Golf is his favorite pastime. 打高尔夫球是他最喜爱的娱乐。

14. jog /????/ v. 慢跑;轻摇,轻推,轻撞

e.g. She jogs round the park for half an hour every morning. 她每天早晨绕着公 园慢跑半小时。

You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing. 你碰了我的胳膊肘,把我正 在绘制的图画撞坏了。

More: jogger n. 慢跑(健身锻炼)者;jogging n. 慢跑(健身锻炼);

jogging pants [复]慢跑长运动裤;jogging shoes [复](有软垫的)慢跑运动鞋

15. trail /??????/ n. 小径;足迹,踪迹

e.g. This trail leads to my home. 这条小路通向我的家。

There is a snake trail in the sand. 沙地上有蛇爬过的痕迹。

More: trail v. 跟踪,追踪;in trail 成一列纵队;off the trail 失去踪迹(或臭迹), 偏离目标;on the trail 追踪,追猎;trail off (或away) 逐渐减弱,缩小

16. stall /st???/ n. 货摊,书亭;(英)剧场的座位,[~s]正厅前座观众

e.g. The town square is full of trader’s stalls. 小镇的广场上摆满了生意人的货摊。 I want two seats in the stalls. 我要两个正厅前座的座位。

More: stall v. 支吾,拖延,推迟(off)

17. exotic /?g??????/ a. 外(国)来的,外国产的;奇异的,异国情调的 e.g. This is an exotic word. 这是一个外来词。

Many tourists are eager to visit this exotic tropical island. 很多游客渴望游玩这个有


More: exotic n. 外国人,外来词;exotically ad. 外(国)来地;奇特动人地

18. souvenir /?????????/ n. 纪念品,纪念物

e.g. He has kept a tea spoon as a souvenir of his journey. 他一直保存着一只茶匙 作为旅游纪念。

These pictures are of souvenir value. 这些照片有纪念价值。

More: souvenir v. 留取??作纪念品

19. glimpse /??????/ n. 一瞥,一看;微露,少许

e.g. My father had a glimpse of my homework. 我爸爸粗略地看了一下我的作业。

There were glimpses of truth in what he said. 他在讲话中略微透露了一些事实真相。 More: glimpse v. 瞥见,一瞥(at);catch (或get) a glimpse of 瞥见,看一看

20. paddle /?????/ v. 用桨划(船);用船运送

e.g. They are paddling a little boat in the lake. 他们在湖中划着一叶小舟。 He paddled us to shore in his canoe. 他划着独木舟把我们送到岸边。

More: paddle n. (不用桨架的)短桨,桨

21. canoe /k?????/ n. (体长头尖的)小划子,独木舟

e.g. The fisherman slid the canoe down to the water. 渔夫把小划子推下水去。 Last weekend he made a canoe trip. 上周末他乘小划子出游。

More: canoe v. 乘小划子渡过,用小划子载运;paddle one’s own canoe 靠自己的力 量向前,自力更生

22. costume /?????????-??????/ n. 服饰,服装;戏装

e.g. We’re going to the party in eighteenth-century costume. 我们将穿上18世纪的 服装去参加聚会。

Some actors are wearing historical costume. 有些演员身穿古装。

More: costume v. 为??提供服装,给??设计服装

23. ancestral /??????????/ a. 祖先的,祖宗传下的

e.g. These are my ancestral portraits. 这些都是我列祖列宗的画像。

True French cuisine is ancestral. 地道的法国烹饪法是祖传的。

More: ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗

24. memorial /m?????????/ n. 纪念碑,纪念馆;为纪念而写的书

e.g. The government is going to erect a memorial to a martyr round here. 政府准 备在这儿为烈士立纪念碑。

His memorial to his father was published. 他为纪念父亲而写的书已出版。 More: memorial a. 纪念性的,记忆的;memory n. 记忆,记忆力

25. wreck /rek/ n. (失事船舶等的)残骸,沉船漂浮物;(船舶等的)失事,遇难 e.g. The wrecks of the enemy planes were here and there. 到处都是敌机残骸。

They were trying to save a ship from wreck. 他们正在设法营救遇难的船只。 More: wreckage n. (船舶等失事后的)残货,沉船漂浮物,失事

26. volcano /v?????????/ n. 火山;被抑制的强烈感情,随时可能爆发的状态 e.g. That is an active volcano. 那是一座活火山。

He nursed this volcano of wrath in his breast. 他满腔怒火中烧,一触即发。 More: sit / sleep / stand on a volcano 置身于火山口,处境危险

27. slope /sl???/ n. 斜坡,[~s]山丘;斜度,斜率

e.g. The sheep are in the northeast slope of the mountain. 羊群在山的东北坡。 The road rises at a slope of 1 in 2. 道路以1比2的斜度上升。

More: slope v. 倾斜,有坡度

28. tunnel /?????/ n. 隧道,地道

e.g. There is an undersea tunnel linking Britain and France. 英国和法国之间有一 条相互连接的海底隧道。

The prisoners dug a tunnel under their cell and so managed to escape. 犯人们在牢 房底下挖了一条地道而终于越狱成功。

1. appeal to 吸引;呼吁,要求

e.g. Does the idea of working for a joint venture company appeal to you? 你有没有


I appeal to your sense of justice. 我呼吁你们拿出正义感。

2. in store 准备着,储存有;即将来临的

e.g. You should keep a few pounds in store for a rainy day. 你应该储蓄几磅以备不时之需。

There is great trouble in store for her. 她即将遇到很大的麻烦。

3. check out 查看,检查;结账离开,办妥手续离去

e.g. Let’s check out our luggage before we start out. 出发前查看一下行李吧。 Has Mrs. Hyde checked out yet? 海德夫人已经结账离去了吗?

4. no matter where... 不管哪里??

e.g. No matter where you go, I’ll be right here waiting for you. 无论你走到哪里, 我都会在这里等你。

No matter where he is, I’ll try to find him. 无论他在哪里,我都会尽量找到他。 More: no matter how 不管怎样;no matter what 不管什么;no matter when 不管何 时;no matter who 不管何人

1. Honolulu is up-to-date and bustling, but it hasn’t completely lost the easy-going lifestyle of the South Seas.

译文:尽管火奴鲁鲁是个现代化的繁华城市,但它并未完全失去南海悠闲的生活 方式。

句中并列连词but表示转折关系,也可以用al though引导前面的句子,但是although 和but 不能在句中同时出现。试比较:

Although Honolulu is up-to-date and bustling, it hasn’t completely lost the easy-going

lifestyle of the South Seas.

2. The city of pineapple and sugarcane fits everyone’s idea of paradise. 译文:这个盛产菠萝和甘蔗的城市是每个人心目中的天堂。

本句中主语的中心词是city而不是pineapple and sugarcane,所以句中谓语动词fit用 单数形式。根据主、谓一致原则,如果主语中心词是复数,谓语动词该用复数形 式;如果主语中心词是单数名词或不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。

e.g. Two girls were standing on the corner. 两个女孩正站在街角。

Much effort is wasted. 很多努力都白白浪费。

3. If sun and sand aren’t quite what you want, Kapiolani Park near Waikiki has more than enough to keep you easy.

译文:如果阳光和沙滩并非你所渴求的,那么怀基基海滩附近的卡匹奥拉尼公园 足以使你尽情地享受安逸和舒适。

本句是由if引导条件状语从句,从句中还包含有表语从句what you want。

句中more than enough 表示很多、足够??。常用的还有这样的表达方式:

more than happy / glad / willing / content / pleased to do something 非常乐意做某事

e.g. He was more than pleased to take you there in his car. 他十分愿意用车把你送去。

4. Be sure to check out the giant banyan tree decorated with lanterns while you’re there.


句中过去分词短语decorated with lanterns作定语,修饰the giant banyan tree。while 在句中引导的是时间状语从句,这里的while还可以用when代替。两个同时发生


e.g. While / When I read, she sang. 我在看书时,她在唱歌。


e.g. She is very diligent, while he is very lazy. 她很勤奋,而他却很懒。

5. A 300-meter-high volcano called Diamond Head guards the southern tip of Waikiki. 译文:高三百米的钻石头火山守护着怀基基的南端。

句中called Diamond Head是过去分词短语修饰名词volcano,作后置定


再如:a ten-year-old girl 一个十岁的女孩。

check your answers against the original. After that, read the passage aloud until you can say it from memory.

1. mind 2. lures 3. stretch 4. enough 5. to 6. store

Ⅱ Understanding the Text

1 Choose the best answer according to the text.

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A

Ⅲ Using the Word

1 Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the italicized word on the left of each sentence.

1. located 2. displaying 3. performance 4. fits 5. thought(s)

6. culture 7. convenient 8. tour 9. comfort 10. independence

2 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

1. paradise 2. destination 3. explored 4. glimpsed 5. luring

6. offer 7. residence 8. memorial 9. stretched 10. up-to-date


Unit 1 Starting College Life

Lecturer: Liu Jun

Students (Ss) will be able to:

? Understanding the main idea

? Introduce themselves or others in a conversation. ? Explain the language styles of the passages.

? Mastering the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. ? Understand and talk about college life.

? Vocabulary: initial, pursue, objective, graduation, essential, advice, discipline, sacrifice,

opportunity certificate, approach, explore, tear apart etc. ? The importance of beginning in college and life ? Applied writing: Business Card

? ? ? ? ?


Group discussion

Questions and answers Multi-media Performance

st1. Introduction of this course

Welcome to College of Law & Business of Hubei University of Economics. I'm your English teacher of this term. College life is a new experience for you. College life is different from the life in your high school. You will find more time to kill by yourself. So the first thing you should do is to know how to study by yourself. College days will be the golden time in your life. There

is a saying, “God will help those who help themselves.” This first unit we are going to learn some tips for you to begin your college life.

Introduction of This Course: Teaching objects:

Students in the Vocational and Three-year Colleges Teaching ideas: Focus on application Teaching Material

Practical English for Vocational Colleges

The Term Grade Evaluation Scheme Final Examination 60% Attendance 10%

Classroom Performance 30%

2. Warming-up Activities: 1) Group discuss/ pair work

When confident high school students enter college, a whole new life is in front of you, a new battlefield to conquer… Video 1: Colorful College life

Discuss the following questions with your partners: ? Where are you from?

? What are your expectations of college life?

? What kind of changes do you think it will bring upon your life?

2) Information related. Topics of College Life ? Classes

? Professors/Advisors ? Books ? Dorm Life

? Student Clubs & Organizations ? Specialty

? Campus Safety ? Tips and Advice

3. speaking

Work in pairs and act the dialogues to the whole class.

Task 1: Meeting with a foreign student and talking about studies, try to introduce yourself to your classmates. Tips:

Glad to meet you. Where are you from? Which are you in? I’m majoring in …

Task 2: Helping a foreign friend select his course at the registration office Tips:

Do you know how to register for online courses? What course do you like most?

4. Focus on Listening 1) Word tips:

Register for: to put someone’s or something’s name on an official list.

e.g.: How many students have registered for English class?

Credit: a unit which represents a successfully finished part of an educational course.

[U] Praise, approval or honor

e.g.: I gave him credit for (= thought that he would have) better judgment than he showed. Credit Card: a small card which can be used as a method of payment, the money being

taken from you at a later time


Major in/at: the most important subject that a college or university student is studying. e.g.: What is your major, English or French?

She was a philosophy major at an Ivy League college.

2) Listening tasks:

Short conversations and finish Part B and C on page 6.


1. Lead-in questions:

What do you expect to learn at college?

What kind of life did you expect to have before you came here?

What do you expect to learn? More book knowledge or more practical social experience?

Students are required to discuss the questions in pairs and then some of them were asked to report the results of the discussion.

2. Intensive Reading (Text A) Pre-reading: The teacher asks the following questions: 1) What’s college life like in your eyes?

2) Do you think there are any differences between college and high school? 3) What’s your plan for your college life? Background information

Give brief introduction of some famous universities in the U.S.

3. While-reading

1) Scanning and f(来自:WWw.HnnscY.com 博文 学习 网:上海交通大学新风尚高职高专实用英语教案)ind answers to these questions as quickly as possible:

1. According to the passage what kind of feeling a student will feel if he has a chance to go to college?

2. What have most of you decided on when you go to college? 3. Why is the initial decision very important?

4. What’s the advice the author always gives to students?

5. Why will it be a waste to all of the people if you limit your collegeexperience?

6. How will you be exploring many of the disciplines? 7. What can be established to a great extent in college?

8. Is it necessary to commit yourself and stand by that commitment asyou stand at the entrance of your college career? 2) Intensive Reading

Understand the general organization of the text. Students are required to get the main idea of the text and each paragraph. (Refer to Reading Comprehension Exercise)

4. Assignment

1. Review the text.

2. Oral passage: My ideal college life.

rdth1. Warming-up Activities:

1) Ask some students to share their oral passage with the whole class. 2) Brief review of the Reading Text A.

2. Language points

1) Explain the difficult words and sentences, including language and grammatical points.


? Experience n. 经历,阅历;经验,体验

E.g.-She may lack experience, but learns very quickly. 她可能经验欠缺,但学得很快

- He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 他申请出国签证经历


? to a great extent 在很大程度上,相当大的

E.g. To a great extent, she was responsible for the accident. 在很大程度上,她对事故负有责任。 ? Pursue v. 追求,寻求;追赶,追逐信仰 (pursuit)

E.g. –She pursued the goal of perfection in her art. 在艺术上她追求达到完美境界。 ? Discipline v. 训练,训导;控制 n. 纪律,行为准则

E.g. -Different cultures have different ways of disciplining their children. 不同的文化有不同的方法训练小孩。

? Sacrifice n. 牺牲;供奉;祭品, vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售 vi. 献祭;奉献 E.g. -I will sacrifice my all. 我将会牺牲我的一切。

-They may have to raise prices or sacrifice profits. 他们可能不得不提高价格或牺牲利润。 ? Content adj. 满意的,满足的; n. 内容,目录

be content with??

? Approachn. v.(处理问题的)方式,态度;接近,临近

E.g. –We have to adopt a new approach to teaching languages. 我们得采取新的方法教授语言。 - With the 2012 is approaching, more and more people began to worry about the “Dooms Day”. 随着2012年的临近,越来越多的人开始担心所谓的“世界末日”。 ? Explorev. 探索,探究;对……进行勘探,探测 (exploration)

E.g. –Let us explore the possibilities for improvement. 让我们探索改善的可能性。 ? be proud of 以……为荣,为……而自豪 (pride)

E.g. I work hard everyday so that who love me will be proud of me! 我每天都在努力工作,为的是能够使所有爱我的人以我为荣!

? Tear … apart扯开; 把…弄乱;使心碎;把…痛苦地分开

E.g. Jesse was torn apart by the struggle within her. 杰西内心深处的斗争而痛苦不堪。

2) Explain some difficult sentences, encourage students paraphrase some sentences.

3. Post-reading Exercises

Reading comprehension exercises (see textbook P10-13)

4. Further information

Tips found on website: 8 Tips for Students Starting College

5. Assignment

Review the phrases and expressions Try to retell the Reading Text A

thth 1. Lead-in


Unit One Interests and Hobbies Key to the Exercises Passage A II: Reading Comprehension 1. Try to complete the sentences with what you learned from the text. 1) intensity and extensiveness 2) consider 3 )outdoor recreation 4) passionate 5) mutual 2. Based on what you have learned from the text, answer the following questions briefly. 1). The value of collecting involves purchasing or getting a hold of a particular item anchored in the fascination and inclination of the collector. 2) Age, intelligence level, stamina and personality are to be taken into account. 3) Examples would be mountain climbing, trekking, rock climbing, and the like. 4) Hobbyists make hobbies concrete. Hobbyists are people who are passionate about a specific material or an activity.

5) Level one is the Beginner who buys the “basics.” 6) He would be someone who is more familiar with the hobby.

7) Because they can benefit and learn from each other’s ideas and experiences. 8) Opportunities. III. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Collocation 1) facilitate improvement 2) gather information 3)allocate money 4) learn from 5) bring about

2. Word Formation — Compound (复合词) 1)outlook 2)lookout 3)layout 4)outlines 5) outbursts 6)outgrows 7) outlet 8) outcome 9) outfit

10) outbreak 3. Banked Cloze 1) endurance 2) accessories 3) intensity 4) invested 5) subsequently

6) displayed 7)allocating 8) inclination 9) involved 10) attain 3. Multiple Choice 1) D 2) A 3) A 4) C 5) A 6) B

Ⅳ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets. 1) Along with new inventions of modern civilization, it also will bring about information about the outer world. 2) If one party is going to carry out reform, the opinions of any potential problems from other parties should be taken into account. 3) By chance, he come up with the answer to that problem. 4) In terms of the time wasted, cheap entertainment is rather expensive. 5) They are willing to engage in campaigns on popular science, especially on knowledge about environmental protection and food safety. Passage B I. Reading Comprehension 1. Multiple choices Choose the best answer to each question with information from the passage.

1) A 2) C 3) C 4) D 5) B

II.Vocabulary and Structure 1. Select words from what are given and fill in the sentences. 1) subscribers 2) digital 3) conference 4) available 5) invest 6) occupy 7) scatter 8) diminish 9) multitude 10) fancy 2. Translation 1) If we we run into another managerial problem ten or twenty years down the road in our undertaking, you know whose phone will ring.

2) Under any circumstances, commenting on this century would sound like speaking in superlatives. 3) All electronic computers consist of five parts, although they are of different kinds. 4) When such impulses and desires are vigorous, they bring with them, of themselves, what is needed to make a good life. 5) In daily life people often couple up two short ropes to make a longer one. Passage C I. Reading Comprehension Try to answer the questions in the fewest possible words or complete the sentences based on what you learned from the text. 1) you may simply say you were not yet married 2) be better off claiming your former spouse died

3) he just lied to Mr. Hai that his life died in an accident 4) this dialogue was repeated 5) if those Vietnamese believed what he said II. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Banked Cloze 1) B 2) A 3) C 4) D 5) C 6) A 7) D 8) B 9) C 10) A

11) B 12) B 13) A 14) C 15) C 16) B 17) B 18) A 19) C 20) D 2. Error correction

1)possibly- possible 2) and- but 3) that-where 4) his - their 5) is- are 6) CORRECT 7) CORRECT 8) prevent-preventing 9) emphasize- emphasis 10) or -and Section D Writing & Translation I. Writing---Envelope Writing (reference answer ) XXX Foreign Languages Department

Xinjian College 8# Yuexiu Road, Nanling, Guangxi, 530005

P.R .China (发信人名字和地址)

Dr. George Bush English Department The John Hopkins University Baltimore, MD.21228


II. Translation 【参考译文】

佛德汉姆大学的一位已退休的法律和公共政策学教授欧内斯特?范?德?海格坚信死刑是有效的, 他说这两起犯罪太残忍了, 他们应该受到死刑的惩罚。但是他不认为辛普森先生因其地位和名声真的有被判死刑的危险,而且他还认为在史密斯案件中寻求判处她死刑是个策略性错误。如果在辛普森案件中寻求判他死刑也同样是个策略性错误。他说: “现在公众舆论反对史密斯太太, 但公众舆论是会变得对她有利的。”

Translation of the Text

Passage A 什么叫业余爱好?

早先人们把骑玩具马当成消遣,这是实际存在的“hobby”。后来“骑玩具马”(ride one’s hobby-horse)的说法便传开了,意思就是追求你最喜好的消遣。到了现代,人们普遍称之为业余爱好(HOBBY)。


游戏也是业余爱好的形式;游戏是寻求快乐的娱乐活动。每项游戏都是有控制的活动,要么控制得松,要么控制得严。游戏的目的和规则决定其挑战性和玩法。游戏可追溯至相当久远。由于游戏带来乐趣,出于个人独特的兴趣形成了各种不同的游戏。选择合适一个人的游戏通常需要考虑几个因素:年龄,智商水平,耐性和个性。游戏及其规则是变化多样的,玩家在达到目标的过程中的投入程度也是不同的。通常,游戏需要一定的体力和脑力。因此,它们有助于人们健全身心。 户外运动是另一种受人欢迎的娱乐形式。户外活动依赖于露天环境,比如登山、徒步旅行和攀岩等等。除了让人们获得快感以外,户外活动还是教育和锻炼团队精神的利器。此外,还有很多其他爱好受人们青睐,比如烹调、园艺、绘画创作、软件开发等等。

那么什么是业余爱好者呢?可以这么说,他们让爱好变得具体实在。他们对特殊的物品或活动充满激情,他们对任何与他们爱好相关的事物着迷不已。他们的收藏包括书本杂志,不同类型的工具、设备和配件。这些物品都精心地被摆放在专用房间里。爱好者们随时准备并愿意在他们的兴趣爱好上花钱和花时间。他们参加可以经常光顾的俱乐部并充分利用俱乐部成员的权利。他们会腾出特定的时段满足自己的爱好。他们学习和探索新事物的热情使他们对该领域有更深的了解。 根据对兴趣爱好的参与程度,爱好者也分不同层次。第一等级是我们所说的新手。新手是那些购置基本材料的人。基本材料可以是穿在身上的全套装备,设备甚至指导材料。




爱好家和专业人士实际上可以融合,以达到优势互补。他们可以相互学习对方的点子和经验,共同受益,并推动该兴趣或运动的发展,这是最重要的。所以爱好是什么?爱好便是机遇! Passage B




作为业余爱好的铁路运作可以少花钱,也可以花大钱,这随你自己的喜好。最简单便宜的方式是找一段风景宜人的铁路,或找一个好地点欣赏来往的火车, 带一架好相机,看着火车渐渐靠近或者缓缓驶过。享受这项运动最昂贵的方式是投资约五万美元建造铁路模型,其中包括机车、汽车、风景、建筑物和电气设备等等。



不过,当你把摄影爱好和铁路运作爱好结合起来,你的花费就会增加。一些令人叹为观止的静态铁路图片或视频都是归功于费用要好几百元的照相设备。拍完之后你可以把这些图片发给铁路爱好者组织里的其他成员,让他们看看你是多么出色。但是,这个花费无法与建造和运行铁路模型所需的费用相比。 铁路模型运作是很昂贵的。一个详细比例的火车头都至少要花上500美金,甚至更多。铁路模型分为大小三种:32毫米,16毫米和铁9毫米。比例越小,花费则越少,但其细节精确度也会趋于缩水。建造和运行一个玩具铁路会消耗你的大量时间和金钱。所以,你需要有一个理解你的爱人,最重要的是,别让你的猫钻到你的模型铁路房间里。





Passage C






旅游指南还提醒道,“告诉越南人你已经离婚或仍是单身会让他们感到极度不安,因为在越南,没有家庭被看作是倒霉的,没有家庭被人视为不幸,受人怜悯,而不被羡慕。幸运的是,指南的作者提供了解决之道:“如果你既年轻又单身,只要说你未婚,他们就能接受了。” 但是我已经48岁, “超过30岁仍未婚,那最好还是撒谎吧。” 从道德上讲,撒谎让我浑身不自在,特别是对当地东道主撒谎。从现实上讲,我有个更大的问题:我不会撒谎。是什么逻辑让作者提出如此建议呢?“离婚是丑闻”,指南中总结道,“更明智的方式是说你前妻去世了。”




“结婚了吗?”这是第三个问题,也是最危险的。我小心翼翼地背诵着临行前记下的建议,对他解释我曾结过婚,但现在没有妻子。我刚刚说完这些话,阿海先生的眼睛突然失去了神采,“噢……离婚啊。” 与其说是疑问还不如说是总结。我深吸了一口气,用痛苦的语气慢慢地回答道:“不是的……她……去世了。”





“什么样的事故?” 在那一刻,我发誓回家后一定要给这本旅游指南的作者、编辑、出版人以及他们的每一个家人写一封严厉的抗议信。我告诉阿海先生我的前妻在一次车祸中去世,希望对话就此打住。虽然他对此感到悲痛,但还是继续询问。

