

Let me show you some of them

Population Growth(人口增长)

Increasingly large numbers of people are being added to the world every year. As the number of people increases, more pollution is generated, more habitats are destroyed, and more natural resources are used up. Even if new technological advances were able to cut in half the environmental

impact that each person had, as soon as the world's population size doubled, the earth would be no better off than before.

The Population Division of the United Nations predicts that the 5.63 billion humans alive in 1994 will increase to 6.23 billion in the year 2000,

8.47 billion in 2025, and 10.02 billion in 2050. In fact, because larger

amounts of resources per person are used in the developed nations, each citizen from the developed world has a much greater environmental impact than does a citizen from a developing country.

Global Warming(全球变暖)

This process is referred to as the greenhouse effect.

These greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, insulate the earth's surface, helping to maintain warm temperatures. If the concentration of these gases were higher, more heat would be trapped within the atmosphere, and worldwide temperatures would rise.

Air pollution(空气污染)

A significant portion of industry and transportation is based on the burning of fossil fuels, such as gasoline. As these fuels are burned,

chemicals and particulate matter are released into the atmosphere. These chemicals interact with one another and with ultraviolet radiation in sunlight in various dangerous ways. Smog, usually found in urban areas with large numbers of automobiles, can cause serious health problems.

Water pollution(水污染)

Estimates suggest that nearly 1.5 billion people lack safe drinking water and that at least 5 million deaths per year can be attributed to waterborne diseases. Point sources discharge pollutants at specific locations-from, for example, factories, sewage treatment plants, or oil tankers. Non point

sources- for example ,runoff water containing pesticides and fertilizers from acres of agricultural land -are much more difficult to control. Pollution arising from nonpoint sources accounts for a majority of the contaminants in streams and lakes.

Species Extinction(物种灭绝)

What is clear is that species are dying out at an unprecedented rate; minimum estimates are at least 4000 species per year, although some scientists believe the number may be as high as 50,000 per year. The

leading cause of extinction is habitat destruction. At the current rate at which the world's rain forests are being cut down, they may completely disappear by the year 2030.

As habitats are destroyed and species lost, the world is increasingly losing threads from the interconnected fabric of life.

These are 10 kinds of extinct animals in recent decades. They died out because of environmental degradation and human hunting. 桑吉巴尔豹。毛里求斯蚺蛇。 斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉。金蟾蜍。夏威夷蜜旋木雀。马德拉大白凤蝶。提可巴鳉鱼。比利牛斯山羊。西非黑犀牛。爪哇虎

Chemical Risks(化学成分污染)

Many industrially produced chemicals may cause cancer, birth defects, genetic mutations, or death. Although a growing list of chemicals has been found to pose serious health risks to humans, the vast majority of substances have never been fully tested.

There is only one earth with super living conditions in the universe. It is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being. No nature, no life. I think we can’t prevent environmental degradation, but we can slow down it.

So what can we do to protect our globe? I leave this question to everyone, you can think about it after class.




21世纪可谓挑战与机遇同在,希望与困难共存。它在我们带来许多美好憧憬的同时,也给我们带来了许多难题,其中首要的就是环境问题。环境与我们的生活报为密切,息息相关。很久以来,我们赖以生存的环境就引起了许多有 士的极大关注。1972年6月5日,人类环境会议在斯德哥尔摩开幕,会上通过了著名的【人类环境宣言】。同年10月,第27届联合国大会通过决议,将以年每年的6月5日定为世界环境日,我们的生命历程里,应该天天都是环境日。

随着时代的进步,社会工业化程度越来越高。与此同时,环境污染问题也越来越严重。我们该如何应对环境污染 所引发的一系列问题,向污染宣战呢?我们要做的就是支持核电建设,减少环境污 。


在我国,能源消费过度依赖煤灰和化石能源,这些能源在燃烧过程中,二氧化碳,二氧化硫反 氧化物等有害物质被排放到环境中,

引发了‘‘水路空’’的一系列污染。相比文下,核能是清洁的,在核电生产过程中,这些有害气体的排放为0,不会引起酸雨雾 的形成。比起传统的化石能源,核电为环境减轻了很大的负担,同时它的清洁性也为以核减污奠定了基础。

核辐射一直是 受关注的问题,大多民众因恐惧核辐射而对核电站心存芥蒂。科学证明只要不是核泄露就不会对人类及周围环境产生危害。所以,核电是安全的,并不像想象那样的危害,大家无需因惧怕核辐射而拒绝核电。


核电是我国未来能源电力的重要组成部分,不但清洁~安全 而且潜力无穷。让我们利用清洁能源,反对环境污染,手 手~肩并肩~心连心地 起一道绿色环保的大 ,捍卫资源~捍卫环境~捍卫我们美好的家园吧!


Before telling the investigation ,I would like to tell something else about our world.

大气污染:air pollution

What we see in the picture is a beautiful and quite county with many chimneys smoking(冒着烟的).

The county is fascinating, but the chimney is not. Also the smoke will destroy the beauty finally, I think. Would you like this beautiful scenery gone? I don’t know what’s your answer, but I do not.

水污染:water pollution

Do you think this is disgusting ?Yeah, it is disgusting. But we have to face up to it.it’s the photograph taken from our world. It’s the most important source we need to protect.

土壤污染:Soil pollution

Someone may think this picture is a demonstration of drought. But I want to express it in another way.

I just see theearth abandoned by the city and us. But I think we should remember that today we abandon it, tomorrow it will starve us.

All above is our world. All above are what we have to change immediately .Just like the small tiger’s felling, where is its safe home . But I want to ask you now. Where is our safe home?

This is the current situation.

Life of green level(你可以加点数据)

Now I want to tell something about our investigation. My group would like to tell you from three sides.

First, the electricity wasting. From the pie chart we can see that most people waste electricity during the two actions we investigated last week,leaving the electrical appliances and lights onalone and not minimizing the use of air conditioning and heating

Second , the water wasting. The pie chart says that only a small group have full awareness of saving water during shaving and brushing teeth and taking short showers insteadof tub bath.

Third, the awareness of recycling. We have done a lot of investigations in

this question, such as purchasing items made from recycled materials , looking for the Energy logo when buying electronics , using a plastic lunchbox to carry meals and donating extras to other people and so on. But none of this did a positive standing on our si(转载于:www.hNNsCy.coM 博 文 学 习 网:环境污染演讲稿)de.

From all the data we have ,I’d like to divide our life levels into three ,the greenest level, the greener level and the least green level.

Which level are you in?


I don’t know what you have got from the pie chart, but what I get is we need to do more for our green life, for our home and for ourselves.

We have to do more to protect our home, at least our only home at present. After all, going to Mars(火星) is just what we imagine.

IF we don’t ,this picture is what will happen. So, it’s time to save our home and to save ourselves.