


College ofxx,

29 Wangjiang Road,

xx, xx,xxx, P.R. China

Tel: 86-xx-xx


February 1, 2012

Dear Dr. xx,

Dr.xx requested a letter of reference from me to support his application for the postdoctoral position in your laboratory. As his former advisor, I think highly of Dr.xx, therefore I am very delighted to comply with his request.

I knew him in the summer of xx, when he joined my research group on function of Chinese electro-acupuncture in hypocholesterolemia as the only undergraduate research assistant. In this group, he was responsible for the aspects of assisting to construct the animal model and gathering data. Though that work was ordinary, he performed every task carefully, and presented his ideas to help improve the experimental results. Many times I saw that he still worked at about 11p.m. when I left. I wondered how energetic he could be and appreciated his trait of diligence and dependability very much.

One year later, he became a graduate student and joined my laboratory while I had the Genetic Engineering course of him. His curiosity and insatiability provided him with enthusiasm to broaden his knowledge in molecular biology. At the end of the semester, he got a good score ranking within top 5% of the class. After finishing his courses in 2009, he went on the research project to isolate hypercholesterolemia-associated genes. While managing the project, he showed me with his excellent experiment ability and independent thinking aptitude. What impressed me most was his persistence and optimism. In the presence of pressure, he was rather enjoying the process of the research instead of being uncomfortable with fear and avoidance.

One thing I must emphasize is that Dr.xx has made lots of progress from a junior student to an experienced researcher by dint of hard work. As a result, his effort is rewarded by a paper published in xxx which has been the most excellent one completed by graduate student in our college so far. That has won him recognition from not just me but my colleagues as well.

However, Dr. xx is not satisfied with the current achievement and has set up his career goal. As he told me his willingness to proceed with his postdoctoral career in your vigorous laboratory, I could understand his heart of seeking more academic advancement there and applauded his strong desire and decision to take his dedications and skills to the next level. With your help, I believe this ambitious young man will be an excellent scientific researcher.

I sincerely expect the information I provided above could be helpful for you to assess Dr. xx’s application and consider him favorably. Further information is available if you need.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. xxx

Professor of xx University



尊敬的国家自然科学基金委及评审专家 作为申请人的指导老师我郑重推荐 XXX 同志申请国家自然科学基金 “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”。 XXX 同志数学基础坚实动手能力强。在大学本科阶段他多次参加全国 大学生数学建模竞赛、美国数学建模竞赛、全国大学生电子设计竞赛并取得了国家二等奖国际二等奖的好成绩。在研究生阶段多次被评为研究生标兵并 获得了2005 年 XXXXXX 大学研究生“学术十杰”等称号。 XXX 的博士学位论文专注于XXX 基本问题及其在XXXXX 中的应用研究 此次申请的课题正是其博士学位论文的主体工作内容。前 期的一些研究成果已经 被国际权威期刊和会议录用得 到了国际同行的认可。并 应澳大利亚University of XXXXX 的 XXXXX 教授的邀请撰写 XXXX 的专著章节这也从一个侧面体现了其研究的重要性。 我单位从事XXXX的相关研究已有10余年所 完成的国家自然科学基金重 点项目被评为优秀有关成果已被国内外相关研究人员认可和引用。我单位还聘请了 XXX 教授等该领域国际著名专家为兼职教授并与 XXX 教授等国际同行建立了长久稳定的合作关系为课题的顺利开展提供了广泛的国际交流平台。 在已有工作的基础上依靠我单位现有的工作条件作为申请人的导师及所在单位的负责人我保证该课题在人力、物力和工作时间上的顺利实施。 XXX 同志现为我单位教师在职博士他工作学习勤奋刻苦具有很强的 事业心已表现出良好的素质和发展潜(来自:www.hnnSCY.cOm 博文学习 网:博士后推荐信中文)力。该课题立意新颖、研究目标明确、研究方案切实可行、具有广阔的前景希望基金委给予大力支持。 签名 年 月 日 附件 2. 同行专家推荐信尊敬的国家自然科学基金委及评审专家 我郑重推荐XXX 同志申请国家自然科学基金面上项目“XXXXXXXXXX”。 XXX 同志从事XXX 方向的研究已有四年多时间在XXX 领域的著名期刊 XXX 等国内知名期刊发表了多篇高档次的论文取得了可喜的研究成果。 XXX 同志申请的课题“XXXXXXXXXX”内容新颖、创新性强、研究方法清 晰合理、技术路线切实可行。课题组具有丰富的工作基础所在单位已在该领域 取得了很多国内外认可的科研成果。 XXX 同志工作勤奋刻苦思维活跃是我校非常优秀的青年教师。本科阶 段他就表现出了良好的素质获得了多项全国竞赛和国际竞赛的奖励并免试攻读研究生。研究生阶段他被授予了我校研究生的最高荣誉“研究生学术十杰” 称号多次被评为研究生标兵。相信XXX 同志一定会圆满完成申请书中的各项任务特此向国家自然科学基金委郑重推荐希望给予支持。


年 月 日

国家自然科学基金委及评审专家 XXX 同志具有很强的科研能力勇于开拓、务实创新参与了国家自然 基金重点项目“XXXXXX”和国家 863 项目的研究工作。他所参与的国家自然科学基金重点项目被评为优秀在XXX 及其应用方面取得了一定的研究成果发表学术论文二十余篇具有较强的科研素养和发展潜力。 XXX 同志的申请书条理清晰、立意新颖具有较强的创新性和良好的应 用前景。该课题理论联系实际不仅有助于 XXX 统一框架的形成同时为XXXX 问题提供了一个可行的途径。 XXX 同志为“教育部创新团队”成员所在的工作单位为“高等学校学科 创新引智计划 111计划” 建 设项目资助单位与 XXX公司合作建立了“ XXXX高性能计算联合实验室” 专著于 XXX 方向的研究已完成国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、国家 863 项目、教育部重点项目等 10 余项这些都为申请人提供了良好的工作基础和技术保障。 基于以上考虑我郑重推荐XXX 同志申请青年科学基金项目。


年 月 日

附件 3. 申请人导师 XXX 教授、推荐人 XXX 教授、XXX 教授简介 略



