
 attention 造句 1.They attract attention regardless of their quality. 不管品质,只需吸引注意力. 2.This alliance could draw regulators "attention. 三家联盟可能会招来监管者的注意. 3.Where this might grab our attention is in commodities. 埃及局势动荡可能会引起我们注意的是大宗商品. 4.These plates always need attention. 这些盘子总是需要注意力. 5.With this medical attention,he recovered,and was almost immediately back to his regular teaching schedule. 在细心的医疗照顾下禅师很快康复,之後立刻投入到正常教学中.

 Kurita"s attention narrowed to saving himself . 栗田只顾到自己逃命。

 This would claim a good deal of your attention . 这件事您多分心了。

 Pay no attention to the arguments between us . 别在乎我们之间的争论。

 He escaped attention by being silent . 他不声不响以躲避别人的注意。

 A newspaper headline caught his attention . 报纸的大标题引起他的注意。

 Clouds must be given a particular attention . 必须对云给予特别的注意。

 I shall give the matter my personal attention . 我将亲自过问此事。

 He coughed to draw the other"s attention . 他咳了一声让大家注意。

 The roof needs attention , i.e. to be repaired . 屋顶需要修理了。

 Pay attention when i am talking to you ! 我跟你说话的时候,你要留心听。

 It"s difficult to see attention in a sentence. 用attention 造句挺难的 Dantes" whole attention was riveted on him . 邓蒂斯聚精会神地注视着他。

 Pay special attention to the sign of the answer . 特别注意答案的正负号。

 He gave reverent attention to the teacher . 他恭敬地听老师讲课。

 A sound from fleur distracted his attention . 芙蕾的声音分散了他的心思。

 The other side paid no attention to our warning .. 对方不重视我方的警告。

 Ratcliffe diverted madge"s attention . 拉特克利夫设法分散了玛吉的注意力。

 Everybody"s attention was called . 每个人的注意力都被吸引住了。

 She is beautiful and is the focus of attention . 她长得漂亮,很惹人注目。

 She suddenly brightened into alert attention . 她突然目闪睛光,全神贯注。

 Such trifles are undeserving of attention . 这类鸡毛蒜皮的小事不值得注意。