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11.(1)鞠;颤。(2)憧憬 2.孙犁《芦花荡》《荷花淀》 3.略(要求句式整齐) 4.D 5.

qiáocuìlǜezhàn 6.寄托苏醒 7.这一角已变成灰烬,那一角只是血和泥。 8.长白山黄河江南南

海解放区 9.对解放区的热爱和向往(比喻:像恋人的柔发,不像牲口一样活。) 10.江南的水田,你当年

新生的禾草是那么细,那么软??现在只有蓬蒿。 11.抒发了对灾难祖国的热爱,表达了对解放区的向

往。 12.飞鱼飞到广州动物园 13.(1)小明晚上练习影响了邻居的休息(2)陈伯伯在夸奖自己练习刻

21.nǜejìncuānqiú 2.①因寒冷而哆嗦。②倾斜,歪斜。 3.法雨果巴黎圣母院悲惨世界 4.(1)

“他”其他人(2)“图书馆”别的地方 5.因为在刹那间我突然想起记忆中那块青色的墓碑,想起了那个

把宽容给了“我”,把爱给了世界的女孩。 6.“我”发现那幢公寓竟然只有四层 7.描述中表现梅里特的

惊恐和疑惑即可 8.妻子这一人物性格不明显,其他人物个性鲜明。(言之成理即可) 9.对犯错误的人

多一点理解和宽容就是多给人一个机会(犯了错误努力改正同样也能成才) 10.(1)你怎么在课堂上睡


31.D 2.①熟→塾璧→壁聊→潦②咽→唁 3.①鲁迅《朝花夕拾》散文②佩弦《荷塘月色》《匆匆》

《背影》等③杨绛钱钟书《围城》 4.C 5.周树人文学家思想家革命家豫才风筝从百草园到三

味书屋 6.出生年月、籍贯、家境和异地谋生的原因 7.①没有能力支付学费②不愿做幕友或商人 8.认

为新医学对日本明治维新有很多帮助 9.偶尔在电影看见一个中国人做侦探而被斩,觉得医好几个人也 无用,提倡新文艺。 10.我的母亲和几个别的人很希望我有经济上的帮助 11.B 12.为上下求索而艰

难奋进的思想感情和爱国之情 13.言之有理即可

41.C 2.①你为了自己卫生,却忘了公共卫生。②对不起,我不小心把纸掉在了地上。 3.无所事事:什

么事也不干。 4.①关爱子女;②善于引导、教育子女。 5.不能听天由命,要用自己的双手开掘出幸运

之泉。6.自己不努力,整天无所事事,却还要埋怨母亲,埋怨命运,让母亲承受这么大的精神压力。 7.母 亲对我说的话感到吃惊,感到迷惑不解。 8.如:命运把握在每个人自己的手中。(只要所写句子扣住中

心即可) 9.(1)B(2)C符合要求即可。 10.略

51.缔卸镶晦 2.略 3.略 4.如“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。”“举头望明月,低头思故乡。”等

5.顺叙。 6.伞;用伞堵住破窗。7.把姑娘的伞弄破了。大汉帮助她用伞把破窗堵住了。 8.因为大


地笑了。 9.人与人之间友爱互助的关系。 10.别的书销量很好,都卖完了。(不要求语言一致,有讽刺

效果即可。) 11.如局域网、互联网、信息网等。

61.略 2.障—嶂新—心置—制豪—毫 3.(1)“先进”后加“水平”(2)去掉“能否” 4.略 5.①客观

地说明事物、阐明事理。②时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序。③简明、准确、周密。 6、流程漫长,流域广

大,气势雄伟 7、自然环境优越,有利于人类生存 8、C 9、不能,因为它表示所述内容来源于传说,不是

确实有据的。 10.妄口八舌闲嘴淡舌唇枪舌剑张口结舌笨嘴拙舌鹦鹉学舌 11.(1)《诗经》(2) 《左传》(3)《国语》(4)司马迁的《史记》(5)吴承恩的《西游记》(6)《孙子兵法》(7)《汉书》(8)刘勰


记》(13)《论语》 12.黄河远上,白云一片,孤城万仞山,羌笛何须怨?杨柳春风,不度玉门关。 ·135·71.chanchóngzhuócuán壑纳伧磬 2.略 3.D 4.一个人自我评价愈高,就愈不容易做出成绩。

5.“三苏”李白项羽范仲淹 6.(1)因为深,所以慢。耕得深庄稼长得好,才会有好收成。(2)生活中那

些总是风风火火而却最终无所成就的人,失败之处大概就在于他们的耕耘太浅了吧。(能够谈出自己的看 法即可) 7、废旧物资的回收和综合利用。 8、部分地区综合袋装收集,个别实行垃圾分类收集,普遍采

用垃圾混合收集。 9、随手乱扔现象普遍,分类收集设施不足或缺乏引导,分类运输手段不足,从事回收

再利用的企业少。 10、答案要求:可联系农村或城市实际,从满足当代人需求和不损害后代人需求这两

方面谈谈自己的看法。 11.山中山路转山崖,山客山僧山里来,山客看山山景好,山杏山桃满山开。 81.融萌翩匿第荣是复 2.茅以升《中国石拱桥》叶圣陶叶绍钧 3.比喻拟人排比 4. CBAED 5.差之千里老大徒伤悲下笔如有神焉得虎子时不再来日久见人心 6.祥子他初期是


暴自弃的人。 7.繁殖能力极强 8.有它存在的地方任何植物都不能生长 9.漫山遍野疯长,扫荡山林牧

场,原有的植被被“排挤出局”,牛羊喜欢的草类基本消失。 10.金蝉脱壳、抛砖引玉、借刀杀人、以逸待

劳、擒贼擒王、趁火打劫、关门捉贼、浑水摸鱼、打草惊蛇、瞒天过海、反间计、笑里藏刀、顺手牵羊等。 11.

七零八落丢三落四接二连三三五成群不三不四一五一十得寸进尺 12.略


柳宗元苏轼王安石③竺可桢气象学地理学④逻辑现象后果 2.B 3.①删去“通过”②删去“能 否” 4.踏破青毡可惜,多行数步何妨。 5.通过研究大约100亿光年之外的一颗类星体所发出的紫外

线,进而才发现了氦气。它“使天文学家估计宇宙中氦和氢的含量成为可能”。 6.太空中类星体越遥远,

它就越古老。天文学家观测的这颗类星体就十分遥远,所以通过它可以看到宇宙年轻时的一段时光。 7.科学家对类星体所发出的光线进行研究的30多年历史。 8.(1)张冠李戴(2)一丘之貉(3)见异思迁

(4)饮水思源(5)自作自受(6)一暴十寒(7)风马牛不相及 9.略

101.D 2.(1)不仅仅因为也许或(2)①反映反映②反应 3.略 4.血气方刚的青年是人生的夏天,

沉着稳重的中年是人生的秋天,蹒跚佝偻的老年是人生的冬天。 5.林冲武松晁盖鲁智深 6.墨水 弄脏了地毯;洒了一点墨水。 7.一言堂一家之长一意孤行一筹莫展一曲挽歌一败涂地 8.智力 9.逻辑顺序 10.两个“大约”多表示估计,因为对这些数据不可能作出精确的说明,所以只能用“大约”

,体现了说明文语言的精确性。 11.略 12.①柴门寒门②空门佛门③歪门邪门④窍门法门⑤ 热门⑥冷门⑦闭门⑧登门⑨后门⑩班门 13.讽刺当今社会里,一些人只顾着追求物质利益,在物 质追求中慢慢丧失了自己,忽视了人格的重要。

111.huòyǎntiáoyìxīnxìe 2.①沿着②值得对③做标记④渡口⑤大旧指读书人⑥洗涤美丽而

不端正。 3.阡陌:(古)道路纵横交错,四通八达。(今)运输和邮电事业的总称。妻子:(古)妻与子。


(古)不值得。(今)不够。 4.古代刻在器物上警戒自己或称述功德的文字。 5.(1)这间简陋的房子,

好就好在主人有美好的德行。(2)孔子说:“有什么简陋的呢?” 6.全篇旨意是从孔子“君子居之,何陋


句,又显得含蓄无穷,发人深思。 7.略 8.略 9.羹川甘鬼漏虑非徒臭闻孺觅

121.①wǎng②yòujī③ruò④yǔ⑤wù⑥zhǎng 2.寸个扇张支只把幅串个(本题答案不 唯一) 3.①虞山/王毅叔远甫/刻②自云/先世/避秦时乱,率/妻子邑人/来此绝境。③有良田/美

池/桑竹之属④忘/路之远近,便/扶向路,寻/向所志。 4.中间(戴着)高高的帽子、(长着)浓密胡须

的人是苏东坡。那个人的眼睛正看着(茶炉),神色平静,好像在听烧茶的声音。 5.《诗经》《尚书》 《春秋》《大学》《中庸》《孟子》《论语》 6.(1)人不独亲其亲,不独子其子。(2)老有所终,幼有所

·136·长。(3)外户而不闭。 7.说就坚持(代词)代眼睛 8.别人认为这是荒诞的,坚持要(他)给龙点上

眼睛。 9.言之有理即可。 10.略 11.①《聊斋志异》②《三国演义》 12.略

131.sāoyúyùxīshùsùtuān 2.①越过(逃)跑②书信③阙通缺④连接延长⑤坠落⑥参与这

里指欣赏 3.①荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。决眦入归鸟②感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。③安禄山史思 明④略 4.《水经注》 5.略 6.(1)即使骑着骏马,驾着疾风,也不如它快。(2)空旷的山谷传来猿啼

的回声,悲哀婉转,很久很久才消失。 7.C 8.略 9.戍守停止战争 10.(1)对(2)错 (3)对

11.略 12.略

141.《东坡志林》子瞻东坡居士苏洵苏辙 2.略 3.①贬官②道歉③靠近在④才⑤教导 4.C 5.①我读《汉书》到现在共经过三次亲手抄录了。②东坡很惊讶,问:“这是谁写的?”客人回答是朱公所

写。 6.略 7.文章的好坏与读书的勤懒、练笔的多少,有着密切联系。 8.十二个属相是:鼠、牛、虎、


151.(1)沾湿玷污(2)蓬草相逢(3)封侯时候(4)萧条箫鼓 2.(1)晨兴/理/荒秽,带月/荷锄/归。


留客/足/鸡豚。 3.略 4.略5.A.消失B.围着C.从湖面上蒸发的水汽D.客居 6.不一样。前一个

“是”作指示代词“这”;后一个“是”作判断动词。 7.B 8.用这些量词不仅表现出了雪夜中景物的真


茫人生天地中,个人如沧海一粟,微不足道,流露出作者落寞孤寂的避世幽愤。 9.(1)崇祯五年十二


(6)雾凇沆砀??舟中人两三粒而已。 10.“湖中焉得更有此人?”拉余同饮;想不到有与自己情趣相同

之人。以他人的热情衬自己的孤独,更突出作者内心孤独难以排遣的情怀。 11.(1)清新淡雅。(2)略



11.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.a∥b 6.1.8 7.100° 8.112° 9.AB∥CD理由如下:因为

∠ABC=120°,∠BCD=60°所以∠ABC+∠BCD=180°所以AB∥CD 10.AB∥CD两直线

平行,同位角相等,∠1+∠2=180°,同旁内角互补,两直线平行 11.①y=-x+180°;②BD⊥EC21.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.70° 6.2 7.360° 8.70 9.m∥n内错角相等,两直线平行∠3=∠4两直线平行,同位角相等、120° 10.GM⊥HM理由如下:因为AB∥CD所以∠BGH+∠DHG=180°又因为GMHM分别是∠BGH与∠DHG的角平分线所以∠MGH=1112∠BGH,∠MHG=2∠DHG所以∠MGH+∠MHG=2(∠BGH+∠DHG)=90°所以∠M=180°-∠MGH-∠MHG=90°所以GM⊥HM 11.(1)能,理由如下:延长AP交NB于点C,因为MA∥NB所以∠A=∠ACB又因为∠APB=∠ACB+∠B所以∠APB=∠MAP+∠NBP(2)∠MAP=∠APB+∠NBP31.B 2.D 3.D

4.D 5.等腰 6.2 7.70° 8.10° 9.25 10.135° 11.(1)△BCF≌△CAE理由如下:因为BF⊥CF,AC⊥BC所以∠CBF+∠BCF=,90°,∠ACE+∠BCF=90°所以∠CBF=∠ACE又因为AE⊥CF所以△BCF和△CAE中∠BFC=∠CEA=90°∠CBF=∠ACEBC=AC所以△BCF≌△CAE(2)△ADC是等腰三角形,理由如下:因为∠CBF+∠BCF=90°∠ABF+∠BDF=90°又因为∠ABF=∠BCF所以∠CBF=∠BDF因为∠BDF=∠ADE所以∠CBF=∠ADE又因为△ACE≌△CBF所以∠ACE=∠CBF所以∠ACE=∠ADE所以△ADC是等腰三角形41.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.13或119 6.等腰 7.70°,70°,40°或70°,55°,55° 8.1 9.略 10.·137·∠A=30° 11.(1)15°(2)20°(3)∠EDC=11




∠B-∠EDC又因为AB=AC所以∠B=∠C所以∠EDC=∠BAD-∠EDC即∠EDC=1 2∠BAD

51.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.正方体或球体 6.直四棱柱或长方体 7.成 8.4,32 9.略 10.(1)

8 12(2)18(3)长方形 240cm2 11.36cm2 11.(1)直棱柱 (2)侧面积为6ab,全面积为6ab


61.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.5 6.乙 7.2 8.8.4 9.(1)6 3(2)8 6 6 中位数,因为中位

数只表示所有者所捐书本的居中者,既不能反映总量,也不能反映其他人捐书情况。 10.(1)40 20(2)1050(3)略

71.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.直四棱柱 6.20000 7.60° 8.64 9.m∥n理由如下:因为∠1+∠3

=90° ∠3+∠2=90° 所以∠1=∠2 所以m∥n 10.(1)①③或②③(2)已知:②③理由如下:因为∠BEO=∠CDO∠BOE=∠CODBE=CD所以△BEO≌△CDO因为∠OBE=∠OCD


△ABC是等腰三角形 11.略

81.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.40 6.14 7.50°或80° 8.18条 9.(1)14m3(2)7000m3 10.90°


91.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.> 6.≤21

3 7.3a-7≤0 8.x<

225 9.(1)x≤1(2)x≤-11 10.

(1)>(2)>(3)>(4)>(5)>(6)= 规律:a+b≥2ab(a,b为正数) 11.12,13,14,15,


101.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.-1

;2<x<3 6.a≥3 7.-6 8.a<x≤b 9.(1)1<x<4(2)-7






第一节 第四题

一心一意 → 意断恩绝 → 绝世无双 → 双喜临门 → 门户人家 → 家给民足 → 足不窥户 → 户列簪缨 → 缨緌之徒 → 徒劳无益 → 益谦亏盈 → 盈盈带水 → 水晶灯笼 → 笼鸟槛猿 → 猿悲鹤怨 → 怨气冲天 → 天造草昧 → 昧旦丕显 → 显姓扬名 → 名花无主 → 主次不分 → 分劳赴功 → 功成弗居 → 居心何在 → 在在皆是 → 是非混淆 → 淆乱是非 → 非我族类 → 类同相召 → 召神弄鬼 → 鬼工雷斧 → 斧凿痕迹

黑白分明——明辨是非——非亲非故——故地重游——游山玩水——水落石出——出人头地——地老天荒——荒不择路——路见不平,拔刀相助(8字成语)——助人为乐——乐极生悲——悲痛欲绝——绝处逢生——生龙活虎——虎落平阳——阳春白雪——雪月风花——花天酒地——地覆天翻——翻江倒海——海底捞针——针锋相对——对答如流——对答如流——流言风语——语重心长——长年累月——月明星稀——稀奇古怪——怪模怪样——样样精通——通敌叛国——国家兴亡,匹夫有责——责无旁贷——待人接物——物归原主——主次不分——分久必和——和风丽日——日上三竿——敢做敢当——当仁不让——攘攘熙熙——息息相关——关系重大——大有作为——为非作歹——呆若木鸡——鸡犬不宁——宁死不屈——趣味相投——头头是道——道不同不相为谋——谋事在人 成事在天——天天快乐乐极生悲——悲喜交加——家无儋石——石破天惊——惊为天人——人定胜天——天上人间——间不容发


别具匠心 心口不一 一见钟情 情深似海 海底捞针 针锋相对 对答如流 流传千古古往今来 来日方长 长治久安 安邦治

国 国计民生 生死攸关 关怀备至 至高无上 上善若水 水火无情情投意合 合二为一 一语惊人 人山人海 海阔天空 空穴来风 风调雨顺 顺水人情 情窦初开 开门见山 山高路远 远走高飞 飞檐走壁


Jí jué yú yì xiāo kuī'sì cén'jì niè wǔ'miè dòng'hè è pì miǎn zhì jǔ sī'ya chàn lián'yī chà yān lín'xún hè diān'bo luán zhàng yuǎn'dùn xiè xīn màn jì'dàn qiào hàn xiāo gàn

第二节 第二题

惆怅诡计 贸然篮球伎俩松弛震撼 辍学 圆满 弥漫枯燥 崛起 撒谎 观摩 坐标 徇私 毕竟 惯例 书籍 窍门 别具心裁 阿谀奉承 以身作则 明察秋毫呕心沥血 首屈一指 金碧辉煌 自作自受 轻歌曼舞 迫不及待 不计其数 唉声叹气 惹是生非 引经据典 轻举妄动


无地自容 连绵不断 无济于事 克勤克俭 家喻户晓因地制宜跃跃欲试

第二节 第五题

一无所有 半真半假 口是心非 大惊小怪 小题大做 来龙去脉 谢天谢地 文武双全 思前想后 反败为胜 走南闯北 锄强扶弱承上启下 熟能生巧 举足轻重 (以攻为守)借古喻今 假公济私 (名存实亡) 因祸得福 (少年老成) 弄巧成拙 (忙里偷闲)欺善怕恶

第二节 第三 六 七 八 九 十一题



猪八戒照镜子--(里外不是人)竹篮打水——(一场空) 白纸黑字 - 黑白分明(比喻是非、善恶分明)八月十五吃月饼——(正是时候)八仙过海——(各显神通)病重不吃药——(等死)雷公先唱歌——(有雨也不多)下地不穿鞋——(脚踏实地)强盗照镜子——(贼头贼脑)星星跟着月亮走——(沾光)


语文是滋味甘醇的美酒,让人回味无穷。语文是色彩缤纷的花园,让人流连忘返;语文是意境深远的油画,让人惊叹不己 ;语文是旋律优美的音乐 ,让人听之动容;

第二节 第十三题

(1)为什么我的眼里常含泪水 因为我对这片土地爱得深沉 (2)邮票 船票 坟墓 海峡 (3)苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青 (4)出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖

(5)采菊东篱下,悠然见南山 (6)古藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断桥人在天涯。 (7)河汉清且浅,相去复几许? (8)

月下飞天镜,云生结海楼 (9)烽火连三月,家书抵万金 (10)山回路转不见君,雪上空留马行处

第三节 第一题

④ 这样说比较婉转,不易伤到别人的自尊心。

第三节 第二题


第三节 第三题


第三节 第四题





2. 不甘心,不希望被爸爸的眼神刺痛,不希望爸爸失望,要自己一定有所作为,下定决心好好读书。

3. “种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。”种下什么样的因,就会获得什么样的果。不努力



4. 父亲的眼神冷冷的,既有不屑、鄙夷,也有悲哀、绝望,还有许多我一下子说不出的内容……

5. 我这是怎么了?学习不好,地也种不好,还能干什么?这样下去,不是成了废物吗?


1. 是我和弟弟送花时不要小费,向十一位收到祝福的母亲说明原因要来的。它们代表了孩子们对母亲的那份爱,也表达了母亲们共同的爱心。

2. 因为她们都愿意在母亲节里将自己的快乐与别人分享。

3. 太感谢这些人了。

4. 这里的“漂亮”有对花的赞美,也有对孩子们行为的赞美。还可指文中那些把自己的幸福与人分享的十一位母亲的美好心灵。

5. 神态描写:我惊慌失措地说,弟弟已经快要哭起来了。



1.真诚的喝彩 生活中的“没分量” 比喻 生活中真诚的喝彩为我们的人生赛场变得有意义,充满了精彩

2.单句 两旁没有真诚的喝彩这场球赛就不精彩了

3.(1)外貌 语言 开朗 (2)不能。“我”与同桌平时并不深交,但是同桌的关心对“我”的影响。


5.在“我”最需要帮助却不愿把自己的脆弱展现时,同桌的一句话是对“我”的肯定,也是对“我”人生道路上那道坝的诠释,没有解决不了的问题,只有不愿重新掀起的人。 若两旁没有真诚的喝彩,这场球赛如何精彩呢?

6.递进 只有……才……



1.比喻 快

2.对比 列数字 写出高速列车所花费时间之短




6.列数字 作诠释 说明弧半径最短只能是4公里




2、 ①交代故事发生的背景,突出旱情的严重;②为下文写小姑娘作铺垫。

3、心理描写 动作描写 小姑娘有爱心、乐于助人的品质。




一. 课本词组摘抄 1.feel like doing 2.get sb to do 3. as a result of4.keep one’s word 5.turn into 6. can’t help wondering 7.make fun of8.be/feel ashamed 9.feel proud of 10.be determined to do11. feel guilty12.can’t stand/bear doing 13.apologize to sb for sth 14.blame sb for sth15.admit doing16.in public 17.get along/on with18.make friends with19.develop friendship 20be worth doing 21.feel betrayed 22.primary school 23.worry about/ be worried about 24.be sure to do 25.score the lowest mark 26.make sb promise to do 27.keep one’s secret28.stare at sb 29.not any more30.in trouble. How are you getting along with your study? I must have sounded quite proud at that time. True friends have hearts that beat as one. There is no doubt that he envies me.

He would rather die than betray his country to the enemy. 完形36-55 ACBDA BCDDC ABCDA BBCCA 阅读BAD 71. organized/organized 72. Purposes/Aims/Goals 73. Write/Put/Take 74. steps 75. different 76. ensure 77. Promise78. within79. carried 80. Conclusion


1 yell/shout at 2.keep on doing 3.even though 4.next to 5.cheerful and outgoing 6.It seems unlikely that7feel jealous of 8.before long 9.if so10.be bad at 11.be gifted at 12.speaking of friends 13.persuade sb to do14.would rather do sth than do sth15.amusement park 16.take care 17.create a new identity 18. discourage sb from doing sth 19. in advance 20.whenever possible 21.a trying time22.find one’s way around 23.feel anxious 24.suffer in silence25.practical advice 26.get through 27.get sb into a lot of trouble 28.the other day29.look different from 30. have different attitudes towards…

Their friendship is based on mutual respect for each other. When asked they usually hesitate before responding.

Boys and girls have different attitudes towards friendship. Football is very important to me, and so is our friendship. It is Jack rather than I who is to blame.

完形21 — 25 CADAC 26—30 BBCAB 31—35 CDBDC 36—40 BACBD 阅读ABCA 71.brain 72.belief73.growth/development 74. discoveries 75.Learning 76.market 77. Suggestions/Advice/Tips 78. high79.Take 80. Exercise/Use


一. 课本词组摘抄

1. follow our usual scheduleopen the floor for discussion 3. large numbers of harmful chemicals go into the atmosphere 5. without giving them time to lay eggs result in a smaller number of fish left for us to eat 7. cut back on production the amount of rubbish we produce 9. recycle our waste harm the environment 11. create more jobs be very/deeply concerned about the present situation 13. be seen as being against the environmentthink of pipes pouring chemical waste into rivers 15. think of greedy businessmen hiding from their responsibilities 16. spend money repairing any damage they cause people operating these factories 18. stop thinking of them as the enemy give them more credit 20. the supply of raw materialsallow the country to grow 22. controls on how many trees are cut downfind people willing to pay a little higher price 24. things that are friendly to the environmentpay higher taxes 26. pay for the environment to be repaired save the environment for future generations 28. pump a lot of pollution into the environmentuse up/ run out of raw materials 30. overcome these challenges 二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1. With me are Ms Lin Shuiqing, from the Green Society, and Mr. Qian Liwei, a business development


2. The world’s population has grown by six times what it was in 1800.

3. People often have this belief that development is bad for the environment, but this does not have to be true. 4. I do agree that we should produce more things from materials that have been recycled, and less from raw

materials, the supply of which is growing smaller and smaller. 5. There is no debating that we also have a problem with population.

三.完形填空:31-35 ABBDA36-40 ADCDB41-45 AACAA 46-50 CDACB 四.阅读理解:DBDCA 五.任务阅读:

1. Importance 2. leads 3. Advice / Suggestions 4. Spend5. preparations 6. plan 7. comfortable 8. challenge 9. solve 10. proud


一. 课本词组摘抄

1. start a campaign for protecting the environment upon the arrival of spring

2. pick up rubbishclean up after themselves 3. on taking off his jacket

clean up the mess

4. conflict with each other grow crops 5. take measures to stop the process stop wind from blowing the soil away 6. 300 scientists devoted to finding measuresat a national or international level 7. share information between countries pick out areas likely to be affected 8. go up in flamesraise concern both in China and abroad 9. an increase in population rely on the Yangtze River for water 10. recognize the importanceeducate people on the importance of protecting the river 11. under wayresult in farmers replacing their crops with trees or grass 12. nature reserve have a long way to go 13. in regard to blame this change on gases 14. in this way must drive a car 15. last but not least do one’s part 二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1. Rapid development and an increase in population have meant that the amount of water taken from the river is

rising, and that the waste being put back into the river has been increasing.

2. This is not good news for the people who rely on the Yangtze River for water. Nor is it good news for the

wide range of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river.

3. The more petrol and electricity we consume, the more carbon we are letting off.

4. There are times when we need to travel long distances. In this case, public transport such as buses and the

underground is always a much better choice than a private car or a taxi.

5. Planting a small tree is cheap and easy, and two decades from now, when you look at what will have become a large tree, you will find a sense of satisfaction knowing that you did your part to help solve the problem of climate change.

三.完形填空:CDCBC AAACB DDBCD AABAB四.阅读理解:ABAA 五.任务阅读: 66. Ways 67. joy/ happiness 68. rude 69. smile 70. Look71. preference72. pleasant 73. publicly74. Avoid 75. make



一. 课本词组摘抄

1. cause much debate round the world2. be on the way to producing a monster

3. consider cloning human beings 4. concentrate on creating new tissues5. in general 6. with the intention of destroying human embryos 7. show no respect for human life 8. push ahead with research 9. focus efforts on cloning animals10. benefit mankind 11. a crop to be harvested12. on a personal note

13. in complete agreement with 14. come across difficult scientific terms 15. comment on your article 16. make sense

17. make it a crime to do human cloning18. be strongly against cloning humans 19. put tight laws in place20. make a breakthrough

21. find out the truth in the field of science 22. figure out all the mysteries 23. bring sb. Back to life24. follow in their footsteps 25. live grief, painful lives 26. after all

27. lead to more diseases 28. toy with nature 29. use up natural resources30. a product for sale 二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

31. What confused you at first makes sense upon further readings.

32. I would like to point out that there are many children in the world with no parents who would be delighted to have a mother.

33. If I had the chance, I would clone her immediately so that I could be with her again.

34. We further damage the Earth by building new channels in the sea and factories on the land, and by creating pollution with chemical waste.

35. From the point of view of some people, we are only doing what humans have always done, using nature to meet our own needs.

三.完形填空:BDADB CACDC BADCD ACBBA 四.阅读理解:ACCDB 五.任务阅读:61. Reasons62. adaptation/adaption 63. Reputation 64. Decade

65. Comments/Remarks66.doubt/suspect 67.confusion/puzzlement 68.access 69.succeed/successful 70.symbolized/symbolized


一. 课本词组摘抄

1. express and support your opinions2. make great progress in 3. open up doors to technologies 4. in favor of nature5. at a fast pace 6. be limited to increasing production profits 7. a problem as to…8. hesitate to do

9. give permission for the production of GM foods 10. would rather be cautious with… 11. be blamed for destroying rainforests12. a good way of practicing English 13. the scientific advances mentioned in the article 14. transform my life 15. work out meanings 16. succeed in producing clones of cows and goats 17. be anxious to have a child of one’s own 18. die at a much younger age than normal 19. deal with the consequences 20. die young 21. turn out to be a monster 22. be made up of many small parts 23. defend oneself against pests and disease 24. focus on meeting the everyday needs of people 25. behave in different ways 26. wear shoes that don’t match 27. take… into consideration 28. conduct a survey 29. have a reliable supply of high-qualify food 30. get/be burnt out

二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1. The developed and developing countries of the world need to work together to make sure that people enjoy healthy and happy lives, without the environmental around them suffering. 2. Nowhere is this truer than with genetically modified food.

3. New material can be inserted into its DNA to give the plant or animal qualities which it would never have in nature.

4. It shouldn’t be a question of humans winning and nature losing.

5. Other people argue that such thinking may cause a catastrophe, unless we start to look around and understand how a clean environment benefits us all.

三.完形填空:DBACA DABCD BCBAA DCBDC 四.阅读理解:BCADA 五.任务阅读:61. Benefits/Advantages62. harmless/beneficial63. avoids64. save

65. contain/have 66. replace67. reused/recycled/used68. like79.second-hand/used/old 80. better/necessary/important/vital/essential


一. 课本词组摘抄

1. stand up for your health2. talk straight to audience members 3. depend on4. react to 5. a variety of different styles of stand-up comedy 6. rely on visual humor 7. trip over chairs 8. have affection for 9. admire the person being made fun of’10. One such person is Billy Crystal 11. perform his stand-up routine 12. be broadcast live on TV 13. be very quick thinking14. be able to come up with new jokes 15. make up a new joke 16. howl with laughter 17. be popular with all age groups 18. have the ability to amuse people all over the world 19. get his start in silent films20. follow in the footsteps of other famous comedians 21. help you fight pain 22. Laughter is the best medicine. 23. whatever the reason 24. mourn his death 25. pass away26. laugh one’s head off 27. smile on someone 28. make us feel a sense of happiness 29. guarantee a successful performance 30. participate in 二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1.Stand-up is a kind of comedy that is done a stage by a comedian talking straight to audience members.

2. A stand-up comedian may tease an audience member, or might decide to tell different jokes depending on how the audience reacted to his or her precious jokes.

3. Only a few stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film performers later on in life. One such person is Billy Crystal.

4. Crystal is popular with all age groups and has the ability to amuse people all over the world.

5. Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying, “Laughter is the best medicine”, may

be true after all.

三.完形填空:DCBAD BACDB BCADD ACABD 四.阅读理解:BCB 五.任务阅读:

76. stably 77. dependent/reliant 78. worsening/worse 79. consists/consisted 80. responsible 81. Causes/Factors82. internationally 83. available84. reduced/destroyed 85. afford


一. 课本词组摘抄

1. instruct students from over 70 different countries 2. be happy to take on new foreign students

3. have an interest in Chinese culture 4. move on to creating crosstalk dialogues in pairs with other students 5. attain enough skills 6. Ding Guangquan’s classes are very popular among foreign students. 7. sit on an invisible chair 8. move over as if to make room for Tony9. thanks for the invitation 10. wanders over to the middle of the stage11. I must have forgotten to tell you. 12. fall down13. a pile of official-looking papers 14. throw …at servant in anger 15. tear the paper in two 16. It is an emergency. 17. burst in 18. present it to the King 19. glare at 20. hold our a roll of toilet paper 21. run into 22. come up with so much money 23. queue up for four hours 24. There is no joking about the matters of life or death 25. It is a wasted effort to attempt to persuade him. 26. These trees need watering/ to be watered. 27. It is no use arguing with her. 28. speak at the top of my voice 29. I couldn’t make myself herd 30. It is not up to her to make the decision. 二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1.Stand-up is a kind of comedy that is done a stage by a comedian talking straight to audience members.

2. A stand-up comedian may tease an audience member, or might decide to tell different jokes depending on how the audience reacted to his or her precious jokes.

3. Only a few stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film performers later on in life. One such person is Billy Crystal.

4. Crystal is popular with all age groups and has the ability to amuse people all over the world.

5. Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying, “Laughter is the best medicine”, may be true after all.

三.完形填空:20-25. DCDAC26-30.BDCAB31-35. CAABB 36-40. DCBAD 四.阅读理解:BCCB 五.任务阅读:

81. Introduction 82. normally 83. consult 84. Worthless 85. tend

86. difference 87. without 88. reactions 89. killing90. must/requirement


一. 课本词组摘抄

1. the search for happiness 2. mean achieving success 3. meet a goal 4. join us 5. be happy with her life6. the New York Goodwill Games 7. compete in the gymnastics tournament 8. describe her as energetic 9. devote herself to gymnastics 10.be not aware of the change 11. be rushed to a hospital 12.have appreciation for life 13. cheer her up 14.the secret to happiness 15. focus on goals 16.adapt to the new life 17. graduate from Peking University 18.with a degree in broadcasting 19. in case 20.stay positive 21. feel unbearable 22.host a sports programme 23. as long as 24.over the moon/on cloud nine 25. fly off the handle26. down in the dumps/feel blue27. in good spirits 28.amaze the world 29.be able to overcome the sorrow 30.have a try 二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1. By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a junior gymnast for eleven years.

2. That must have been difficult for her. She must have been very sad.

3. However, her primary goal is to advocate better treatment for disabled people. 4. She also believes that keeping busy helps her stay positive. 5. She finds happiness through reaching much smaller goals. 三.完形填空:ABCCD CBDDC BDAAB DABCA四.阅读理解:CDBDC 五.任务阅读:76.relevant77.most78.realize/realise/know/recognize/recognize 79.basis 80.use 81.Technology 82.comfortably 83.kinds/types/sorts 84.ranges 85.enjoyed/loved/liked


一. 课本词组摘抄 1. look back on2.ahead of me

3. at that point in the life 4.could have done anything 5. feel in a rush to grow up6.as an innocent child

7. feel like crying 8.allow me and my family to be healthy 9. fix many problems 10.guarantee good health and happiness 11. assist us with the things12.have handy robots and computers 13. enjoy my adolescence14. simplify my lifw

15. enjoy each other’s company

16. focus on being happiness

17. find happiness in being successful 18.think this way 19. give me the motivation to work hard20.the encouragement and guidance of my family 21. in the golden days 22. Be proud of my achievements 23. spend the minimum amount of time doing housework 24.take time to relax 25. use automatic kitchens to cook instant meals 26.be lost in thought 27. be trapped in traffic 28.rebuild one’s life 29.expect her to be sad 30.be in hospital 二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1. It’s nice to look back on my school days in the countryside in England.

2. Young people should never forget that good health is an important part of happiness. 3. To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends.

4. I feel caught between what I want, what my parents want and what my coach wants. 5. It feels like allocating adequate time for each is just not practical. 三.完形填空: DCBCA ACACB BDACD BDBCA 四.阅读理解:ADBCBA 五.任务阅读:1.Education 2. more/better 3.exactly 4. Results 5. unchanged 6. quitting/stopping 7. population 8. determines 9.awareness 10.Conclusion


一. 课本词组摘抄

1. at the end of term ceremony2. see how the person reacts

3. go to an acquaintance’s wedding 4. have a live hen and a rooster as a part of the wedding ceremony 5. drive bad spirits away6. ensure good luck for the marriage 7. congratulate the new couple8. at wedding receptions

9. sit in separate areas 10. play loud drums 11. celebrate the wedding 12. throughout the night 13. cause offence14. try to adjust to doing that 15. have trouble getting accustomed to it 16. be always amazed at

17. our customs are not always alike 18. be not familiar with that particular festival 19. light large fires outside 20. plenty of fireworks21. be cooked over the fire 22. It’s great fun.23. appropriate behavior 24. serve several purposes

25. on Independence Day26. do without 27. share some things in common 28. in English language 29. be connected with 30. have huge collections of artwork二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1. He never left his hometown, let alone travelled to another country.

2. The breaking of a taboo is usually upsetting or embarrassing for the person concerned and the people around him or her.

3. They dislike it when people do not look at the cards.

4. There will be a bow and arrow competition designed to retell how the Plains Indians used to hunt for food. 5. Food will include meat roasted over an open fire.

三.完形填空:DCABCCDACADCCCADBACD四.阅读理解:ABDC 五.任务阅读:71. image 72. viewing73. Benefits/Advantages 74. accept75. independent 76. thinking 77 strengths78. changed 79. perfect 80. goal


一. 课本词组摘抄 1. provide sb. with sth.

2. words taken from the French language 3. additionally 4. as strong as a horse 5. as busy as a bee

6. as poor as a church mouse7. as cool as a cucumber 8. sleep like a log 9. visit the Forbidden City

10. dream of travelling abroad one day 11. in his youth 12. work to support his family13. be not aware of

14. with the hands pressed together15. give out their business cards 16. offer you the chance to visit different minority cultures

17. experience for yourself their traditions, customs and way of life

18. hunt for food in the Arctic Circle19. wear clothes made from animal skin 20. believe in animal spirits21. listen to traditional accounts of bravery

22. wear a special animal dance mask23. include a three-day stay in an Aborigine village 24. based on ancient beliefs25. go on for hours26. hunt down holes for large snakes 27. be home to28. be rich in 29. be cooked in leaves over hot stones 30. have power over 二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1. Many foreigners have troubling getting accustomed to it.

2. I have fond childhood memories of Bonfire Night, but my American friends are not familiar with that particular festival.

3. They dislike it when people do not look at the cards, so remember not to just put them in your pocket without looking.

4. In Thailand and other parts of the South-East Asia, the normal greeting is a slight bow with the hands pressed tighter.

5. You will stay with a family in their wooden house in the area of Rotura. 三、完形填空 36—40 BDDCC 41—45 ABCAB 46—50 BDACD 51—55 AACDB 四、阅读理解 BAA 五、任务型阅读

71. proud 72. influenced/affected 73. persuade 74. discovery 75. free/nothing 76. work 77. designed 78. draw/attract 79. receive80. expected


一. 课本词组摘抄

1. an international organization made up of/ consisting of countries operate programmes to help people 3. I feel honoured to have been able to take on this role. give you a short description of the UN 5. keep international/world peace work together in solving international political conflicts 7. promote respect for human rights touch the lives of people everywhere 9. with the help of these worthy organizations

10. improve laws on child labor and on equal rights for minorities and women 11. increase people’s knowledge of the work of the UN encourage people working on the projects 13. draw local people’s attention to the situation acquire materials to make baskets 15. transform people’s lives by giving them the ability to provide for themselves and their families 17. under the umbrella of the UN apart from the urgent problems caused by wars 18. meet eight development goals by the year 2015

19. One of the goals is to ensure that clean water is available to everyone. 20. complete primary education bring the world closer 22. have no way of making an incomebe decorated with beautiful traditional patters 24. fetch a high price on the international market

25. contribute small amounts of money to the people to get the project going 26. loan money to developing countries protect the world’s natural and cultural heritage 28. improve the living standards of rural populationscreate employment opportunities 29. make good preparations for the ceremony 二. .课本精彩句子摘抄

1. The UN is an international organization made up of countries that want to promote world peace. 2. As you know, the UN touches the lives of people everywhere.

3. With the help pf these armies and other worthy organizations, the UN assists the victims of wars and disasters. 4. In addition, my visits will encourage people working on the projects and draw local people’s attention to the situation.

5. Apart from the urgent problems caused by wars and conflicts, the UN helps countries with other problems such as lack of education, starvation, disasters, AIDS and other diseases.

三.完形填空: 36~40 BADAD 41~45 BBDCA 46~50 BCABB 51~55 CDBAD 四.阅读理解:BBAB

五.任务阅读:71. over 72. embarrassed73. image 74. Forget 75. lie 76. Keep77. recovering 78. angrily79. explanation 80. shortcomings


一. 课本词组摘抄

1. take an alternative path

set up laws to stop sth