
小编语:为你精心整理的带有翻译的公证书是不是只有涉外公证员才能公证?,希望对你有帮助! 如果喜欢就请继续关注我们博文学习网(www.hnnscy.com)的后续更新吧!

带有翻译的公证书是不是只有涉外公证员才能公证?篇一:法律翻译 涉外公证书



首先是首部。即公证书的标题。这里可以翻译为Heading 。

公证书一般可以译为“Notarization”或“Notarial Certificate”两种,无特殊情况不做改动。例,毕业公证书’、‘收养公证书’等可以译成‘Notarization of Diploma’和‘Notarization of Adoption’,也可以就直接译成“Notarization”或“NotarialCertificate”


1. 标题中的字母要大写,或者是标题中的每一个单词的第一个字母大写;

2. 标题中的冠词、少于5个字母的连词、介词除位于句首的均不大写;

3. 标题中不用引号、句号;

4. 标题要在公证书上方中央位置。


1. 以“兹证明”开头的,我国很多的证书均是以此开头的。这样子的翻译可以翻译为This is to certify that?”

2. 公证词应该是忠于原文。


1. 公证员姓名和签名或盖章;

2. 公证处名称及盖章;

3. “中华人民共和国”(The People‘s Republic of China)字样;


此外,在出国留学经济担保(Affidavit of Financial Support)中通常有担保人(Financial Sponsor)如下誓词:

I certify that I will provide tuition fees, living expenses for my son Lee during his stay in the United States. If he requires any further monetary ass(来自:WWw.HnnscY.com 博文 学习 网:带有翻译的公证书是不是只有涉外公证员才能公证?)istance, I will provide this as well.


应译为“x City (Prefecture)/County Administration of Industry and Commerce”。不应译作“Commercial and Industrial Administration Bureau of City (Prefecture) /County x”,因为,“Administration”一词本身便有“executive branch of a government”的意思,即“行政机关、局(署)等”。

有时,公证机关还对材料的译本的真实性和可靠性予以公证,即“翻译件与原件一致公证”(Notarization of the Conformity of

Translated Copy and the Original)。最后一点,在涉及“毕业证书公证”时,最后一句通常是:“原件上的校长某某某和毕业学校


因为“Authentic”一词在法律英语中常用。比如:“作准证书”是“Authentic Instrument”,“作准文件”是“Authentic Document”。《麦克米伦字典》中将“Authentic”一词解释为:“being what it purports to be”,并且给出了一个搭配例子即:“an authentic document”;而且,还有的书中,将“公证书”译为:“Authentic Deed”或“Authentic Act”。由此可见,用“Authentic”一词更准确

一些,更与公证书语言靠近一些。现将上面一句汉语译出以供参考:“Both the signature of President xxx and the stamp of the graduation School yyy University are found to be authentic. ”



关于公证书的翻译模板(certificado notarial)【纯属个人经验总结,如有雷同纯属巧合】

如有错误,感谢指出! 2010-11-21 20:55| (分类:译心译意) 公证书

certificado notarial

(2010)京李默外民证字第46338号 (2010)j.l.m.w.m.z.z.n. °46338 兹证明xx(女,一九七八年九月五日出生,公民身份证号码:xxxxxxxx)于二ο一ο年

十月十五日来到我处,在我的面前,在前面的《声明书》上签名。 por el presente se hace constar que xx (de sexo femenino, nacida el 5 de septiembre

de 1978, su número de carnet de identidad: xxxxxxxx), ella vino a nuestra notarí

a al 15 de octubre de 2010, y ante mí, firmó en la precedente carta de declaraci

ón. 二ο一ο年十月十五日

al 15 de octubre de 2010 中华人民共和国北京市李默公证处 notaría limo del municipio de beijingrepública popular china公证员:李默

notario:li mo篇二:境外文书证据先公证认证再翻译还是先翻译后公证认证境外文书证据先公证认证再翻译还是先翻 译后公证认证 涉外法律案件中涉及到的证据,要想在国内被认可,必须办理相关公证认证手续。在国

内使用时还需配一套中文翻译,那么涉外法律案件证据先认证再翻译还是先翻译后认证? 《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第十一条规定:“当事人向人民法院提供







文进行审查。 由于境外的公证书以及境外当地外交机构的认证书都是外文的,所以建议全部做完公证认证后,整体翻译,否则先翻译后认证,回来还得翻


1. issue under notarization :公证事项

2. authorization:委托

3. this is to certify that:兹证明

4. (申请人)came to our notary public office [注3]and signed

[注5] the foregoing letter of authorization [注4] in the presence of me, the

notary public, on ×× ×××× (date)申请人于 年 日到我处,在本公证员面前,在前面的委托书上签名。

5. acknowledging that he/she knows what it legally means by making the

authorization and what he/she is legally required to do by making it. 表示知悉委托的法律意义和法律后果。

6. the act of ×××(申请人)to make the authorization is in conformity with

provisions of article 55 [注6] of the general principals of the civil law of the

people’s republic of china. 申请人的委托行为符合《中华人民共和国民法通则》第55


7. civil law of the people’s republic of china 《中华人民共和国民法通则》

8. is in conformity with 符合

9. provisions of article 55 第55条的规定

10. ××notary public office, ×× city, ××province the people’s republic of china中华人民共和国xx省xx市xx公证处

11. notary public公证员

12. (the applicant) confirmed before me, the notary public, that he/she made the

authorization out of his/her own, true will and executed the letter with his/her own




13. this notarial certificate can be used to claim inheritance of ××× in


14. declaration 声明

15.making a disposition 赠与

16. receiving a donation受赠

17. will 遗嘱

18. section 1, article 17 of the law of succession of the people’s republic of



19. providing a guarantee 保证

20. guarantee law of the people’s republic of china 中华人民共和国担保法

22. under which he/she voluntarily provided a guarantee [注4] for ×××(被

保证人)and was thus under liability of joint guarantee 自愿为xx提供保证担保,承担连带保证责任

24. of the ×× attending shareholders and shareholder attorneys representing

××× shares,

出席会议的股东及代表共 人,代表 xx 股。

25. ×× representing ××× shares voted for the articles, ×× representing

××× shares voted against them, and ×× representing ××× shares voted




27. are found to be authentic 属实

28. the signatures(印章)of ×××、×××、×××、×××(股东姓名) affixed

on these articles 章程上xx的签名

29. these articles became effective as of ×× ×××× (date). 该公司章


30. certifying paternity 认领亲子

31. ×××(关系人) is ×××’s(甲)son (女儿) and ×××(甲)is ×××’

s (the child concerned) father.xx是xx的xx,xx是xx的xx

32. according to the maternity test issued by ××××(医学鉴定机构全称) on ×

× ×××× (date), ×××(甲)and ×××(关系人)are related by blood. 经过医学鉴定证实,xx与xx存在血缘关系。

33. according to xx issued by: :根据xx 鉴定的xx

34. (甲)is willing to recognize ×××(关系人)as his biological son (daughter)

and perform the rights and obligations as a father, to which ×××(乙)has no doubt.



35. applicants have reached an agreement that ×××(乙)(或甲) shall bring up

××× (关系人) with ×××(甲)(或乙) paying ×××××(amount and way of paying)申请人间商定,关系人由xx负责抚养,x负担xx

36. birth 出生

37. deceased 去世

38. proving being alive生存

39. this is to certify that ×××(申请人) is alive up to ×× ×××× (date)

[注2], residing at


40. death 死亡

41. died of ×× [注6] in ××city (county), ××province [注5] on ×× ××

×× (date) [注4].

于xx在xx 因xx死亡

42. was declared dead by ×× people’s court of ×× city of ×× province on

×× ×××× (date)


43. nationality 国籍

44. with address currently (或originally) registered at 户籍所在地为:

45.guardianship 监护

46. that ×××(甲)and ×××(乙)are the legal guardians of their child ×


xx 和xx 是其未成年子女的法定监护人

47. in accordance with provisions of article 16 of the general principals of the

civil law of the people’s republic of china. 根据民法通则16条规定

48. nullification of registered residence 户籍注销

49. ×××(申请人)nullified his/her registered residence xx 注销户籍

50. previous name 曾用名

51. “nonexistence of residence registration 未做过户籍登记

52. residence住所地(居住地)

53. which accords with his/her registered residence. 与户籍所在地一致

54. is currently residing(或resides most of the time)at ××road, ××city

(county), ××province, china现居住地为:


57. specializing in ××, a ××–year undergraduate program, in the department

of ××in ××university (或college/institute) xx大学xx专业学习,学制xx年篇

四:法律翻译 涉外公证书法律翻译(英文)关于对外公证书 与其他的法律书籍一样。公证书也是分有首部,正文,尾部,三部分组成的。那接下来


首先是首部。即公证书的标题。这里可以翻译为heading 。公证书一般可以译为“notarization”或“notarial certificate”两种,无特殊情况

不做改动。例,毕业公证书’、‘收养公证书’等可以译成‘notarization of diploma’和

‘notarization of adoption’,也可以就直接译成“notarization”或“notarialcertificate”翻译标题也应该注意到几个问题:

1. 标题中的字母要大写,或者是标题中的每一个单词的第一个字母大写;

2. 标题中的冠词、少于5个字母的连词、介词除位于句首的均不大写;

3. 标题中不用引号、句号;

4. 标题要在公证书上方中央位置。关于公证书正文的翻译。

1. 以“兹证明”开头的,我国很多的证书均是以此开头的。这样子的翻译可以翻译为

this is to certify that?”

2. 公证词应该是忠于原文。最后就是关于尾部。公证书的译文下文必须注明:

1. 公证员姓名和签名或盖章;

2. 公证处名称及盖章;

3. “中华人民共和国”(the people‘s republic of china)字样;日期。日期的格式一般为月/日/年。 此外,在出国留学经济担保(affidavit of financial support)中通常有担保人

(financial sponsor)如下誓词:i certify that i will provide tuition fees, living expenses for my son lee during

his stay in the united states. if he requires any further monetary assistance, i

will provide this as well.通常,公证处需要担保人出具财产证明或银行存款证明。所有这些均附于公证材料后。



证”(notarization of the conformity oftranslated copy and the original)。最后一点,在涉及“毕业证书公证”时,最后一

句通常是:“原件上的校长某某某和毕业学校 某某大学之印签均属实”。周帮友老师的实用英语应用文大全中将“属实”二字译为

“genuine”。笔者认为通译该是“authentic”。 因为“authentic”一词在法律英语中常用。比如:“作准证书”是“authentic instrument”,

“作准文件”是“authentic document”。《麦克米伦字典》中将“authentic”一词解释为:

“being what it purports to be”,并且给出了一个搭配例子即:“an authentic document”;

而且,还有的书中,将“公证书”译为:“authentic deed”或“authentic act”。由此可见,

用“authentic”一词更准确 一些,更与公证书语言靠近一些。现将上面一句汉语译出以供参考:“both the signature

of president xxx and the stamp of the graduation school yyy university are found

to be authentic. ”


的时候要遵循它的规则。将翻译做好。篇五:1.公证书 translation of notary certificates涉外公证文书

1. definition (概念)“公证书是国家公证机关根据当事人的申请,依照法定程序,对其法律行为及其有法律意




2. classification (种类)学历school record

成绩单公证academic transcription 学位公证






经济担保公证financial guarantee出国考察、出席会议、留学等事宜,有关部门通常都要求当事人把寄自国外的邀请函人


3. language characteristics and translation criteria(语言特点及翻译标准) 语言特点:准确严密 庄重 程式的规范化 翻译标准:accuracy & thoroughness (准确严密) solemnity & appropriateness(庄重得体) idiomatic expression & standard style (地道规范)a.庄重formal wordssample certificate of acknowledgment state of californiacounty of _______ on _______ before me, (here insert name and title of the officer), personally

appeared________ and personally known to me(or proved to me on the basis of

satisfactory________________ evidence to the person(s), whose name is/ are sub

-scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ she/ they executed

the same in his/ her/ their authorized capacity ( ies) , and that by his/ her/ their

signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the


关于公证书的翻译模板(certificado notarial)【纯属个人经验总结,如有雷同纯属巧合】

如有错误,感谢指出! 2010-11-21 20:55| (分类:译心译意) 公证书

certificado notarial

(2010)京李默外民证字第46338号 (2010)j.l.m.w.m.z.z.n. °46338 兹证明xx(女,一九七八年九月五日出生,公民身份证号码:xxxxxxxx)于二ο一ο年

十月十五日来到我处,在我的面前,在前面的《声明书》上签名。 por el presente se hace constar que xx (de sexo femenino, nacida el 5 de septiembre

de 1978, su número de carnet de identidad: xxxxxxxx), ella vino a nuestra notarí

a al 15 de octubre de 2010, y ante mí, firmó en la precedente carta de declaraci

ón. 二ο一ο年十月十五日

al 15 de octubre de 2010 中华人民共和国北京市李默公证处 notaría limo del municipio de beijingrepública popular china公证员:李默

notario:li mo篇二:关于公正处英语范文的资料

1. 出生证明(birth certificate) birth certificate

(81) ning zi, no. 1232this is to certify that guangzu wu, male, was born on may 21, 1941, in nanjing,

jiangsu province. guangzu’s father is yide wu, and guangzu’s mother is meiqin shi.nanjing notary public officejiangsu province

the people’s republic of chinanotary: xiao nan

september 20, 1981

出 生 证 明 书


吴光祖,男,1941年5月21日在江苏南京市出生。父吴义德,母史美琴, 特此证明。





2.死亡证明 (death certificate) death certificate

(78) ning zi, no.859this is to certificate that yide wu, died of illness on november 27,1967. yide

wu, male, native of nanjing, jiangsu province, born in july, 1908. nanjing notary public officejiangsu province

the people’s republic of chinanotary: xiao nan

feburary 19, 1978

死 亡 证 明 书


兹证明吴义德,男,1908年七月生于江苏南京,于1967年11月27日病故。中华人民共和国 公证员:肖南


3. 学历证明 (schooling record certificate) schooling record certificate

(81) ning zi, no.1233this is to certify that guangzu wu, male, born in may, 1941, studied chinese

language in the chinese department of jiangsu teacher’s college from september, 1962

to july, 1966, and then he was eolled in september, 1977 to study in the chinese

department of nanjing university as a postgraduate on modern chinese. he had been

studying there for two years and finished the courses in july, 1979.the report of the results in his examinations are followed: the history of chinese language: goodchinese literature: goodmodern chinese: excellentdebate: pass

graduation thesis: pass

nanjing notary public officejiangsu province

the people’s republic of china notary: xiao nan october 17, 1980











中华人民共和国 公证员:肖南


一、公证书标题的翻译一般来说,公证书翻译为“notary certificate”。要注意,切忌将公证书翻译成“notarial





在具体应用中,涉外公证书翻译工作量最多的往往是:毕业证公证书(notarization of

diploma)、学位证公证书(notarization of degree certificate)、成绩单公证书

(notarization of academic transcription)、亲属关系公证书(notarization of family

relation)、婚姻状况公证书(notarization of marital status)、无刑事犯罪记录公证书

(notarization of no record of criminal offense)、及(涉外)收养公证书(notarization

of adoption)等。

二、 公证词的翻译

我国公证书公证词多以“兹证明??”开头,其英文翻译(english equivalent)应该是:

“this is to certify that?”。而外国公证书公证词开头一般为“我,xxxx,xxxx公证员,特此证明??”(i, xxxxx,

notary public, duly authorised, admitted and sworn, practising in the city and county

of dublin do hereby certify that??)。

2.公证词翻译应忠实于原文(conformity) 在结尾方面,中国公证书一般为“特此证明”,翻译为“it is hereby certified”。 而外国公证书结尾一般为一段宣誓这类的语句,如“in faith and testimony whereof i

have hereunto set may hand and affixed my seal of office this10th december 2008”。







? 公证员(notary)姓名和签名(signature)或盖章(seal); 公证处名称及盖章; “中

华人民共和国”(the people’s republic of china)字样; 日期。日期的格式一般为月/

日/年。 courts service

an tseirbhis chúirteannadated this 18 day of october 2008 th signature

--------------------- name of the registrar assistant registrarseal of the supreme court 公证是国家公证机关根据法律的规定和当事人的申请,按




章和钢印;(5)出证日期等。 英文公证书的格式比较规范,一般来说,公证地名写在左上


表拉丁字cilicet,表示to wit或namely(“即”),也有人认为它有其他来源及含义。公证



ss. acknowledgement

of the northern mariana islands) on this ---- day of ----, 20----, personally appeared before me ------ and ------,

known to me to be the person(s) whose signature(s) is/are subscribed to me to be the

foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same

as a voluntary act for the purposes set forth therein. in witness whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and

year first written above.------

notary public


此行为是他(她)(他们)按合同精神自愿履行的。 ------



( )字第----号






notarial certificate

( ) zi, no----

------notarial public office, ------province,

the peoples republic of ehina on this ----day of ----, 20----, personally appeared before me mr. ------, acting

on behalf of ------(full mane of the corporate body), and mr.------, acting on behalf

of ------ (full name of the corporate body), known to me to be the persons whose

signatures are subscribed to the foregoing ------ contract.it is investigated and

found that the signing of the foregoing instrument is in accordance with article 55

of the prcs general civil rules and the prcs ------.in witness whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and

year first written above.

------------------以下为其它格式---------------- notarial certificate ( )字第 号

( ) zi, no. 兹证明 (招标单位全称)于 年 月 日在 地对 (招标项目名称)举行了公

开招标, (投标单位全称)参加了投标, (中标单位全称)中标(或全部投标


经审查和现场监督,招标项目与招标活动已或主管部分批准,招标方与投标方 (投


(投标单位全称)所投标书均符合招标文件的规定,为有效书[或增加 (投标单位)全称]

所头标书,因 (原因)无效],整个过程的投标、开标、评标、定标,活动均符合 (相

关法律、法规、规章)和招标文件的规定,招标结果合法,有效。 in witness whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and

year first written abovve篇三:模板 无犯罪记录公证 英语公证书翻译件y notarial certificate (***) *** zheng zi, no.*** applicant: ***, female, born on ***, citizen’s identity card no.: ***, living

at no.**, ***road, *** town, *** county, *** province. issue under notarization: no criminal record this is to certify that *** had no criminal record during her/his period of

residence in the people’s republic of china up to ***. notary public office, *** county, *** provincethe people’s republic of chinanotary public: ***

***篇四:模板 各类证件 复印件与原件相符 英语公证书翻译件y notarial certificate (***) *** zheng zi, no.*** applicant: ***, female, born on ***, citizen’s identity card no.: ***, living

at no.**, ***road, *** town, *** county, *** province. legal agent: ***, male, born on ***, citizen’s identity card no.: ***, living

at no.***, *** road, *** town, ***county, *** province. issue under notarization: 证件名称this is to certify that the foregoing copy conforms to the original of 证件名

称 issued to *** by *** on ***, and that the original document is authentic..notary public office, *** county, *** provincethe people’s republic of chinanotary public: ***


1. issue under notarization :公证事项

2. authorization:委托

3. this is to certify that:兹证明

4. (申请人)came to our notary public office [注3]and signed

[注5] the foregoing letter of authorization [注4] in the presence of me, the

notary public, on ×× ×××× (date)申请人于 年 日到我处,在本公证员面前,在前面的委托书上签名。

5. acknowledging that he/she knows what it legally means by making the

authorization and what he/she is legally required to do by making it. 表示知悉委托的法律意义和法律后果。

6. the act of ×××(申请人)to make the authorization is in conformity with