
小编语:为你精心整理的弄坏东西的英文道歉信,希望对你有帮助! 如果喜欢就请继续关注我们博文学习网(www.hnnscy.com)的后续更新吧!








directions: you were unable to attend mr. smiths examination on international business english writing because you got sick that morning. write a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize.

write the letter with no less than 100 words. do not sign your own name at end of the letter. use wang hua instead. do not write the address.

dear mr. smith,

i am indeed very sorry that i missed the examination on international business english writing you gave last friday. i feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day.i suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital. please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill.

sincerely yours,

wang hua


1、i am writing to apologize for … /i am writing to say sorry for我写这封信是因……向你致歉。

2、i would like to give you my apology for…


3、please accept my sincere apology for…


4、i am indeed very sorry for what i said/did, but believe i had nointention to…


5、please forgive me for a stupid choice of words.


6、i feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened. 为此我感到非常内疚,所以想告诉你实情。

7、please accept my apologies for my oversight. 请原谅我的疏忽。 8、please allow me to say sorry again. 请允许我再次表示歉意。

9、i sincerely hope you can understand my situation/think in my position and accept my apologies.


10、once again, im sorry for any inconvenience caused/you have sustained.对于造成的不便我再次表示歉意。篇二:英语作文道歉信常用句式和套话


i am writing this letter to express my regret…

i am writing to apologize for…

i would like to give you my apology for…

i must apologize about (not) doing sth…

please accept my sincere apology for…

i am writing to say sorry for…


once again, i am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

please allow me to say sorry again.

i sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies. i want to let you know how regretful i am feeling now.篇三:英文致歉信_范文

道歉信 letter of apology



表示歉意->说明具体原因、提出补救办法->再次致歉、希望得到理解 tips:




you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2.

do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead.do not write the address.


dear anne,

please allow me to say sorry again.


(出自:WwW.HNNscy.Com 博 文学习 网:弄坏东西的英文道歉信)li ming



感谢你邀请我于明日晚上与你和你的家人共进午餐。可是,我非常遗憾地告诉你我无法赴约,因为我将忙于准备后天的一门重要考试。错过了这么一个欢乐的聚会我深感遗憾,我希望你们能度过一个愉快的时光。对了,在我考试后我们可以见一面么?如果可以的话请随 时给我打电话,我非常期待能和你愉快地聊天。





occupy: v. 占用,占

get-together: n. 聚会,联欢会

hesitate: v. 犹豫,踌躇

drop sb. a line: 给某人打一个电话

preferable: adj. 更好的,更可取的

long for sth: 渴望


thank you for your invitation to dinner at your home tomorrow evening. unfortunately, it is much to my regret that i cannot...

i feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of...

is it possible for you and me to have a private meeting afterwards?

if so, please dont hesitate to drop me a call about your preferable date.please allow me to say sorry again.


you failed to finish an important task assigned by your professor because of a severe illness. write a letter to your professor tp express your apology, explain your reason, and suggest a solution to make up the loss.

you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2.

do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead.do not write the address.


dear prof. patent,

i would be very much obliged if you could grant me another week for the task, as my health is turning better.

hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.

yours faithfully,

li ming



我非常遗憾地告知您我没有完成您上周布置的读书报告,因为几天前我突然生病了。过去的几天中我一直持续高烧,住在医院,因此无法进行任何学术活动。随信是医生的诊断书。 如果您能再给一周时间来完成它我将感激不尽,因为现在我的身体正在好转。 希望您能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。




assign: v. 分配,指派

fall upon sb: 降临到某人身上

continuous: adj. 持续的

prevent sb from sth/doing sth: 使某人不能做某事

hereby: adv. 因此,据此

submit: v. 提交,递交

obliged: adj. 感激的

grant: v. 同意,准予


i would be very much obliged if you could grant me another week for the task.hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.

apologize letter __ business english_ by lqy

dear sir or madam,

i’m writing this letter to apologize to you. i’m so sorry that we made a mistake about the shipment of vacuum cleaners.

those vacuum cleaners we sent to you were meant to be sent to european countries, but as the old worker was retired, the new one wasn’t so experienced. besides, the model number and the price of goods in march and july are so similar that the worker mistaken them.

i am awfully sorry for this and we promise you a replacement shipment. we will also give a 10%

i do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and i will try my best to avoid the same accident happening again.


letter of apology

ⅰ. sample study

sample i

dear susan,

please let me know if you will be available on saturday morning.

best wishes

chen cheng

sample ii

dear mary,

i’m very sorry for not having replied to your july 6th letter sooner. when your letter arrived, i was in beijing. as my secretary couldn’t forward it to me, it has been lying on my desk until i got back.

look forward to catching up and once again apologize for the delay.sincerely,









directions: you were unable to attend mr. smiths examination on international

business english writing because you got sick that morning. write a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize.

write the letter with no less than 100 words. do not sign your own name at end of the letter. use wang hua instead. do not write the address.

dear mr. smith,

i am indeed very sorry that i missed the examination on international business english writing you gave last friday. i feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day.

i suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital. please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill.

sincerely yours,

wang hua


1、i am writing to apologize for … /i am writing to say sorry for我写这封信是因……向你致歉。

2、i would like to give you my apology for…


3、please accept my sincere apology for…


4、i am indeed very sorry for what i said/did, but believe i had nointention to…


5、please forgive me for a stupid choice of words.


6、i feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened.为此我感到非常内疚,所以想告诉你实情。

7、please accept my apologies for my oversight.


8、please allow me to say sorry again.





I am writing this letter to express my regret…

I am writing to apologize for…

I would like to give you my apology for…

I must apologize about (not) doing sth…

Please accept my sincere apology for…

I am writing to say sorry for…


Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Please allow me to say sorry again.

I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies. I want to let you know how regretful I am feeling now.